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Written Updates etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 364] 15th October 2012 Written Update


Anjali and Mami tell Khushi that Arnav doesn’t like celebrating his birthday and Khushi is sad. Anjali explains that if anyone does anything he will be upset and for Khushi not to do anything. NK states that is boring and Akash challenges him to sing Happy Birthday to Arnav and see what happens. He explains Arnav doesn’t like wishing or being full updates with pictures only at Khushi states that that is the old Arnav and things have changed since marriage, Khushi explains that she will celebrate his birthday and as his wife she wants to make is special . As Khushi leaves Anjali explains how Khushi might feel if Arnav shouts at her. Arnav comes and asks what he will be upset about.

Khushi is ordering food and Arnav comes to speak to her. She goes with Arnav and he tells her not to do anything for his birthday and leave it as it is. Khushi gets a call and Arnav enquires about it, but she brushes it off.

Akash explains that the last time someone wished Arnav he got very angry with them. Anjali explains to Khushi that Arnav doesn’t like celebrating.

Khushi is upset that he doesn’t want to celebrate his birthday. Khushi continues that if he is like then she is like this. Mami states she will get movies to watch rather then watching angry Arnav.

Khushi is ordering clothes and she is asked for measurement, Anjali is worried but she tells Anjali not to worry.

At night Arnav is on the laptop and Khushi tries to sneak out a suit, he calls her and enquires about taking his suit, he states that he knows what she wants to do with it, she explains that she wants to give it to the laundry and he replies that it is a new suit so there is no need. She replies if its cleaned then it wont get old. Khushi gets a call and enquires if she still not planning something, Khushi denies it and Arnav states that its good she isn’t, Khushi wonders how to take the measurement.

Khushi then gets all poetic and romantic with Arnav and Arnav questions what she is trying to do, she states that wants to say something but is shy to, she tells him to close his eyes and he is confused, she then fakes romance with him and gets his measurements, he goes to get is leg measurement and there is a awkward moment, she continues to fake and states that patience leads to fruitful outcomes and Arnav is damn confused and wonders what she will do tomorrow.

It’s the next morning and Arnav wakes up and Khushi wishes him a good morning. Khushi tells him to get ready for office and he is getting late. He is confused and sees Khushi getting a box and wonders if its his present, but its just bangles. He then asks khushi what the plan is, but Khushi states he is not a child and he even stated that he didn’t want to do anything, she tells him food is ready.

As Arnav comes down the stairs he gets a call from Aman, he thinks he has called to wish him, he answers Thanks to Aman but Aman answers what was the thanks for he only called about a meeting. He wonders if Aman forget his birthday. Everyone is formal on the table and he wonders if everyone forgot. Arnav asks what else there is for breakfast and Khushi states there is nothing else. NK leaves stating he is meeting friends for breakfast. Khushi gives Akash his tiffin, no one seems to wish Arnav birthday, he is thinking that with KHushi hear he thought something would happen but everyone seems to have forgetten. Anrav gets ready for office, khushi calls him stating he forgot his phone.

Akash and Arnav talk business in the office, he asks Akash if he has forgotten something, he explains that its his birthday, Akash replies he remembers but he even says his birthday is like any other day. Arnav wants to eat. Khushi arrives with a Dabba to eat with Anrav, Arnav tells Akash it will be a big meal with a note, Akash is about to leave but Khushi tells him to eat with them, but he declines. Khushi has brought simple food and Arnav asks whether this is all it. Khushi tells him to eat quickly as she doesn’t have much time and has shopping to do. Khushi is about to leave and states she forgot something, Arnav thinks she is about to wish him but gives him something for digestion?. Anrav seems angry that Khushi hasn’t wished him.
Arnav and Akash arrive home from work and everyone is watching a film. There is a knock on the door and there is a cake for him. Khushi goes to the guy and tells him that they cant accept the cake as Arnav doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday. Arnav asks what she just did, Khushi explains that he doesn’t like celebrating his birthday and leaves, he looks on.


Khushi explains that Arnav stated he doesn’t like celebrating, Arnav states he has heard this so many times since the morning, but at least as his wife she could have wished him, but she is stuck on that one statement, Khushi agrees that she is and sounds upsey.

Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 363] 12th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Raizada family watching a movie in a theater. Khushi notices that Arnav is sad. She tells Nk, Armav seems to be sad because he didn’t get sweets. She asks him to pass sweets to him. Nani passes sweets to Arnav but he doesn’t eat. Arnav is not interested in watching movie either and he’s just looking at Khushi who is enjoying movie with Nk.

During an action scene, Khushi gets excited and she gets up from her seat. Now there is an emotional scene and Khushi has tears in her eyes. Arnav passes a handkerchief to Nani and asks her to pass it to Khushi. But in between there is Manorama who also has tears in her eyes, and she thinks Nani passed it for her and she starts wiping her tears. And now there is an interval. Khushi asks who will eat pop corn. Arnav gets up and says, I will get it but Khushi doesn’t hear him and leaves.

Movie resumes and finally Arnav has taken a seat beside Khushi. But Khushi is still not paying any attention to Arnav. Arnav is getting upset and annoyed. He tries to touch Khushi’s hand several times, but every time Khushi starts clapping. That’s the end of theater scene.

It’s next day morning. Arnav is getting ready to leave for office. Khushi comes there and says, I know you’re upset with me. Arnav asks, you do? Great! Khushi says, you’re angry because I screamed in theater. Arnav doesn’t say anything. Khushi then goes, no? Then you might be angry because Manorama sang song in car. She says, I sing too. Arnav still doesn’t say anything. Khushi says, oh you’re mad at Nk because he whistled during a song. Arnav gets angry and grabs her. He pushes her towards the wall and says, then do one thing.. watch 12 to 3 movie with Nani, 3 to 6 with Mami, and 6 to 9 with Nk. Khushi asks why are you saying like this? He says, I came to watch movie for you.. I wanted to watch movie with you.. wanted to spend time with you. read full updates with pictures only at Khushi asks, why you didn’t me before then? Arnav says, right.. I should have told you before.. when could I have told you? when you were planning how to whistle? or when you were rushing to watch movie first? He then says, I don’t think you understand me. Khushi tries to talk with him but he leaves. Khushi then speaks to herself, oh god what did I do? What should I do now? She then smiles and says, I will take him for an english movie, but for now I will have to do something else.

Khushi now comes to Arnav’s office. Receptionist gets shocked seeing her and asks you? Khushi says, yes Me.. I have came to the office before too.. there is no need to get surprised. Khushi then asks where is Arnav and Receptionist tells her that Arnav is in meeting.. you can wait in conference room. Khushi goes to conference room.

Khushi then sees a washroom and says, Khushi this is the only way to lessen Arnav’s anger at her. Arnav is busy in the meeting. In the mean time, Khushi has changed her clothes and put her dupatta on.

It’s very dark now and Khushi is wondering what happened to lights. At the same time Arnav comes there. Khushi says, thank God I was searching for you only. I know you’re angry with me and you should be angry with me… you wanted to see horse race but I made you to come and watch movie and that too hindi movie. And then you wanted to pass some time alone with me and me, silly, brought whole family with me. She goes on, Di was sad so I thought to take her out. Arnav tries to say that he understand but Khushi doesn’t let him say anything. She says, I am not done talking yet.. I have decided to show you movie the way you want so you won’t be angry at me anymore. She says, you love english movies actress right? and then she takes off her dupatta and she has wore some foreign style dress. Arnav asks, what is this? Khushi sings, I love you Arnav ji.

She then starts dancing with him. Now she comes back in a different clothes.. japanese or chinese style.. and starts singing.. aaj mausam hai suhana.. kapde badalne ka bahana (reason to change clothes).. what the what the..

She goes away and comes back in one more different type of clothes, a don type. She puts a pistol on Arnav’s head and says, do you know my name? My name is Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada.

Arnav is not saying anything. Khushi asks what happened? I did so much, you didn’t like anything? You’re not saying anything since so long. She then says, oh it’s very dark and may be you can’t see anything.. but what are you doing alone in darkness? And then some people clap. Lights come back and Khushi sees there are some other people too.

She asks Arnav to forgive her saying she didn’t know. Arnav says, I am trying to explain you since long time that there is my presentation here.. but you didn’t let me talk. Khushi now puts pistol on her head.. and says, you’re gone.. now Arnav will make you run in horse race. Arnav is sending Khushi outside but some guys get up and tell Arnav, the outfit that your wife has put on is excellent. Arnav and Khushi are surprised. The guy says, don’t take me wrong.. but the designs that we saw till now are very serious and too common. But the outfit that your wife has is international and has its own charm.. it will work for our clients. Your wife solved our problem. Khushi gets happy. The guy says, contract is yours.. congratulation. Arnav says, thank you in a confused tone. They guys leave.

Arnav is angry at khushi. He asks her, how could you do all this in office? I work here. Khushi says, please forgive me.. I thought I should dress up like your english movie actresses to impress you.. but like always.. everything went wrong. She says, I will be back changing clothes. Arnav stops her and asks, did I tell you to change clothes? He then says, I understand why you did what you did.. and you said you have planned something for me? What’s the plan? Khushi shows him two tickets for an english movie.. Arnav asks and? Khushi says, I will come in skirt.. and we will talk in english. Arnav asks, really? Khushi says, yes arnav ji. Arnav says, no.. if you want to impress me then you have to stop calling me Arnav ji. Khushi asks, how can I call you laad governor? Arnav says, I meant Arnav. Khusi still says, Arnav ji but in end Arnav finally makes her say, Arnav only. Khushi hugs him. Arnav says, you know you’re very…. Khushi finishes his sentence saying, I am very strange.. I know.

Khushi is back to home and is doing preparations for something. She says to herself, only 7 hours left.. how everything will be done. Nani and Anjali come there. They try to talk with her but Khushi is going crazy with preparations. She orders a cake without sugar. and then she says, we should wear new clothes for tomorrow. She finally says, it’s Arnav’s birthday tomorrow and they should do something special. She says, we should wear same colored clothes tomorrow. Now she is confused between black and red color. Everyone is trying to tell her that she can’t do anythin for tomorrow. Khushi asks but why? Manorama says, because Arnav doesn’t like to celebrate his birthday at all.

Episode ends.

No Precap!!

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 362] 11th October 2012 Written Update

Episode starts with Nani telling Arnav to stop Anjali from burning all Shyam’s memories else there will be fire in their whole house. Anjali says, no let it burn.. I don’t want to see any of Shyam’s stuff in this house anymore. She then asks Arnav, why did he do like this with me? What was my mistake? and she hugs Arnav.

She continues, first mama & papa left me.. I should have known after what paa did with maa.. I should have known that same thing would happen to me. She then asks, but what was this small raj kumari’s fault? Don’t I deserve any happiness? Will happiness go away from me before it comes? She wipes her tears and says, now that man has gone forever from my life.. I won’t cry for him now. She then says to Arnav, you fulfilled your promise of Rakhi.. you protected me. She says to Khushi, and you as well. You two saved me from man because of whom I stood against all of you. Today, I finally understood what’s the meaning of family. You all saved me today. I promise that I will never forget this love of yours.. the evil has gone now from this house.. now everything will be fine. When you all are with me there can’t be anything bad happening to this house. She again hugs Arnav and whole family seems to be happy.

Scene changes and Khushi is in her room. Anjali comes there and knocks the door. She asks if she can come in. Khushi asks her if she is fine. Anjali says, I am fine and they hug. Khushi says, I am so sorry.. I didn’t want to hurt you but.. Anjali says, whatever you did was right. Yes I got hurt but I found out the truth. And there was no future for our relationship anyways. Relationship that is based on lies and betrayals don’t last long. Anjali continues, I came here to apologize you.. please forgive me.. you were trying to tell me truth so many times, but instead of listening to you.. I got angry at you. Please forgive me Khushi ji. Khushi asks, what are you saying Di? Why are you saying sorry to me? If I was on your place, I would probably have done same thing. I know it will be tough for you.. but trust me everything will be fine. You deserve all happiness and you will get it, just keep smiling… I promise you that life will give you many occasions to smile.

Anjali says, Khushi ji… you proved today.. some relationship are bigger than blood’s relationship. Heart relationships are greatest relationships. They hug again. Arnav is watching them and gets emotional. He comes to them and Anjali hugs him. Arnav asks her, you’re fine right? Anjali says, I just didn’t burn his stuff.. I burned all memories, feelings that I had for him. Now there is no place of his in my life. And as long as you (Arnav) are with me, nothing bad can happen to me. Arnav then kisses Anjali on her forehead.

It’s next morning now. Arnav is on the phone. He says, cancel all tonight’s meetings. Khushi gets happy and asks him, are you taking me outside tonight? Arnav says, yes.. get ready. Khushi gets even happier and asks, for real.. where? Arnav says, it will be hot outside so wear something of cotton. I have told Aman.. he will get some dress for you. Khushi asks, are we going for horse race? But I don’t know how to ride horse. Arnav says, we are going to watch horse race.. not participate in it. Khushi says, this is so strange..some people will be riding horses.. and we will be just watching them.. if they get ahead in race, then what will we do? It’s better if we go watch something else.. Arnav asks like?

Khushi gets excited and says, like movies.. Salman Khan.. Arnav says, NO. Khushi says, why not? Everything happens in movies.. she then jumps on the bed and says, fighting.. romance.. drama. You tell me.. will we get to see anything in your horse race? How will we know who is hero heroin.. and villain. Villain is very important.. villains make stories very interesting. Arnav says, we don’t go there to see all these stuff. Khushi gets disappointed and says, okay. Arnav then says, fine.. we will go to watch movie. Khushi again gets excited and says, Salman khan.. Arnav says, we will go to watch an english movie. Khushi says, those are most boring films.. no emotional scenes.. no dance.. Arnav says, action scenes are there. Khushi says, hollyoowd actors don’t do any action scenes.. they make robots.. guns to do all the action. Our bollywood actors fight with 30-40 goons alone..

Arnav says, hollywood movies are precised.. they don’t stretch like hindi movies. Khushi says, low budget people…. who is in hurry to come out of theater? Hindi movies are for full 3 hours.. paisa vasool.. Arnav now asks, have you seen hollywood actresses? Khushi says, just don’t talk about them.. it seems like they gave their clothes to poor people. I can’t never wear such clothes.. Arnav says, hollywood actresses are versatile.. they just dont dance in front of trees. Khushi gets sad and says, I haven’t seen any hindi film recently.. but fine we will go to watch english movie. She then says, please forgive me Salman Khan.. I wanted to see your movie but wife’s duties came in between. Arnav says, FINE.. we will see a hindi film. Khushi again gets excited.. hugs him.. and says.. I will be back doing all the preparations.

Arnav and Khushi are ready to go and come outside. Arnav sees all other family members are getting ready to go as well and he’s confused. Anjali comes and says to Khushi, you all go.. I am really not in mood to come. Confused Arnav looks at Khushi. Khushi says, how is it possible that we would leave you alone at home? Anjali then says, I left my phone in the room.. I will be right back.

Now Nk comes there and asks how is this tshirt? Arnav says, very good but what’s going on? Nk says, I am just too excited. He then tells Arnav… don’t you see everyone is getting ready? You get ready too. Nk leaves to see if Manorama is ready or not. Arnav then asks Nani, are you all going for a picnic? Nani says, ya.. this is like picnic only. Arnav says, ohhok. He then asks Khushi, shall we leave now? Khushi says, but Mamiji is not ready yet. And there comes Manorama. She says, going with Manorama huh? Arnav says, no mami ji.. we are going to watch a movie. Manorama says, so I am ready too .. let’s hurry up else movie will start. Arnav says, but you all are going for a picnic right?

Nk says, we will go for picnic too and watch movie too. Arnav asks Khushi, so everyone is going to watch a movie? Khushi says, of course.. there needs to be some people with us who whistle while watching movie na. Manorama then whistles. Arnav says to Khushi.. sure this must be your idea. Khushi then tells everyone, how Arnav was taking her out to see horse race. She says, but once I decide to watch Salman Khan’s movie.. Nk finishes her sentence.. after that she doesn’t listen to Nannav either. Khushi gives Nk high-five. They get their food in bags and leave for a movie.

They are standing in line at the theater and security says to Khushi, you are not allowed to take this food inside because all these you can buy inside. Arnav whispers to Khushi.. leave this here. Khushi replies back, but we can’t find food like this inside. Khushi then starts her sweet talks with security and Manorama joins her. They say, this is special food.. Nani can’t eat outside food.. and she only drinks boiled water. Khushi then shows sugar-less sweet and says, this is for my husband.. he’s very shy.. doesn’t say much.. and he has diabetes problem. Khushi now shows another food and says, that’s for Nk. Security says, rules are rules we can’t do anything.

Break 1..

Khushi asks security.. can you do me one favor? Security says, that I dont’ do any favor (it’s Salman Khan’s movie’s dialouge). Arnav then tries to tell Khushi to leave. But Khushi hasn’t given up yet.. she now says.. he (Arnav) is very big fan of Salman Khan.. whole family joins Khushi now. Arnav is angry and feeling embarrassed. Khushi says, after so many years of our marriage.. he told me that he will take me out for Salman Khan’s movie. How can you say no to such a huge Salman Khan’s fan? He will feel bad. Security asks who he? Khushi says, who else.. Salman Khan. Others in line are asking to hurry up. Khushi asks so shall we go with food? Before security says anything.. she gets very emotional. and security finally agrees.

Break 2..

They come inside theater now. Arnav and Khushi tell others to sit down and Whole family sits down first. Now there are only two seats that are empty.. one on the left end beside Nani and one on the right end beside Nk. Arnav asks Nk if he can go sit beside nani. But Nk says, no.. I don’t want to miss any scene of this movie. Khushi then sits down beside Nk. Arnav is asking Nani if she can shift but Nani is busy discussing movie with Manorama. Other people in theater are asking Arnav to sit down. Arnav has no choice but to sit down at the other end beside Nani. He seems to be disappointed. Movie starts and Manorama whistles. Disappointed and angry Arnav looks at Khushi who just smiles back to him.

Episode ends..


It’s very dark. Khushi is searching for Arnav and there he comes. She says, I know you’re very mad at me.. you wanted to see horse race and because of me you had to watch a film. She says, Di was sad so I thought to take her outside. Arnav tries to say that he understands but Khushi doesn’t let him speak. Khushi says, I am not done talking yet.. I have decided that I will show you movie the way you like so you don’t be angry at me anymore.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 361] 10th October 2012 Written Update


The show begins with Shyam shouting and telling he is bad. I killed my own princess. I used my own princess for money, fame and everything. He goes to Arnav and says I had planned your murder but unfortunately you escaped. Thats how evil I am. I can kill anyone to get money this property. Everyone is shocked to hear. Shyam goes on laughing.

Anjali breaks mangalsutra that Shyam had given and thrown on ground she is about to faint but Khushi handles her he seems to have got shock. She is still her eyes still. Shyam sees the peieces of mangal sutra and suddenly he realizes what he had done in jest. Khushi tells sorry but we had to do all these to make Shyam reveal all the thruth as you wont believe other people words. Shyam begins his innocent act once again. He says Rani Saheba this is all Arnav/Khushi’s plan who made me speak words which i had not done.

Anjali slowly gets up and walk. Akash tries to stop her but she walks on. Shyam goes on following Anjali and says its all Khushi’s trap. She brought me back, she has bad intentions. Anjali is just walking. Khushi runs and holds Anjali and tells He is lying. What is shown is the truth. Shyam goes on how can i kill my own Rajkumari. Anjali looks Shyam’s face. Flashback of Shyam’s antics. Anjali slaps on Shyam’s face. Everyone is shocked. Akash happy.

Anjali says you have fooled me so much all i wanted was love, but all you wanted was money. Everyone was against you but I supported you. You are worst kind of people that i know of. I hate you just get lost from my sight. Anrav acts he comes up catches Shyam’s collar and throws him to police who were standing at doorstep. Police says NK has told everything to us. From here we will take care and takes Shyam. Shyam shouts leaves me. Arnav comes back and hugs Anjali. Anjali cries and hugs him. Everyone is happy.

Anjali enters into her room remembers all the lies of Shyam’s how he showed her love, love for coming child, how he used to risk his life hiding and coming into house. She just cries finally she shouts No.

Arnav runs towards her room. Anjali takes out all Shyam’s clothes and things belong to him i.e. photos.. etc and puts it into suitcase she even takes off her engagement ring and puts it into it. Nani tries to stop but Aranv says let her do that. She brings petrol and pours over the suitcase and strikes matchstick and set the suitcase on first.

Khushi, Nani shocked to see the suitcase burning and Anjali still.


Arnav ask is everything ok to Anjali. Anjali tells Arnav/Khushi to forget everything related with that person.

Credit: ideaEr

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 360] 9th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Shyam getting annoyed with child’s crying noise. Finally that noise is gone and Shyam is drinking water standing in front of some TV. NK now turns on that TV and there is some child’s video. Shyam gets scared and drops glass of water from his hand and is getting annoyed with same noise again. He comes out of the room and clashes with Anjali.

Looking Shyam scared, Anjali asks him what happened? Shyam says nothing. Anjali then says, good you got ready.. shall we go now? They come into the living room where everyone is ready and waiting for them. Anjali asks, will anyone tell me what’s the plan? Nk says, I and Khushi are going to give a performance like a drama. Shyam asks drama? Nk says, yes performance which will wow (scare) you. Khushi and Nk proceed toward the stage while everyone else sit down to watch them.

Lights go off and Khushi starts performance who has taken Anjali’s avatar. Nk has taken Shyam’s avatar. They show how Anjali and Shyam met outside of temple. Anjali is very happy and amazed to see this. And Shyam is still worrying and scared about that baby’s noise. On the stage, Nk, being Shyam, proposes Khushi who is Anjali in this performance and now they get married. Anjali is very happy seeing this. Khushi says, both were happy.. they had everything.. but still something was missing.. their baby..raj kumari. Shyam is not feeling comfortable. Smile has disappeared from everyone’s faces and Anjali, Arnav have tears in their eyes. Nk asks Khushi, then what happened? Khushi says, then the good news of their child came. Shyam is getting up and leaving from there but Anjali stops him. read full updates with pictures only at . Khushi says, now there was godh bharai’s day.. all guests were there and in crowd something strange happened. Nk comes in drum’s man’s avatar which Shyam had taken on Anjali’s godh bharai day. Shyam is shocked seeing this. Nk is playing drums just like Shyam and Anjali is also worried now and looks at Shyam. Khushi continues, some people were our own.. some outsiders.. and some came acting as our own people. On one moment, there was happiness.. and on the other moment.. everything fell apart. Khushi continues, there was someone in crowd with wrong intentions and no one knew about it. Nk is playing drums faster and faster and is now beside Shyam.

On the screen, they show a man with bracelet changing Anjali’s medicines. Arnav is sitting beside Anjali just in case if anything happens to her. They now show a man spreading pieces of glasses in Anjali’s room. Anjali is in a disbelief.

Anjali sees same bracelet in Shyam’s hand. Khushi says, you crossed all limits.. you hide yourself and attacked. On the screen, Anjali now enters her room and puts her feet on those pieces of glasses. Everyone is shocked!!

Khushi continues, this wasn’t expected that someone would betray their own people. Shyam is tensed. Anjali is in a big disbelief. Shyam gets up to leave from there but Aakash stops him and asks him to sit down again. Khushi continues, for love.. I cried.. I walked on pieces of glasses.. but what I got out of this love? Anjali asks to stop the video. Arnav tells Anjali.. please di.

Now on the screen, they show same bracelet man giving an electrical current and Anjali falling down on the stairs. Everyone has tears in their eyes. Now Khushi in Anjail’s avatar who isn’t pregnant anymore says, everything finished. Rajkumari left us for always.. and dream of Rajkumari remained dream only. Shyam gets up and starts walking. But he again hears same noise and now in front of his eyes.. there are kids toys. He’s losing his control and cannot take this noise anymore. He screams.. it’s all lie.. they are lying.. nothing like this happened.

Break 1..

Arnav goes to Shyam and asks, everything is lie? and all these videos that were found from your laptop are fake too right? Shyam says, yes you did all this to trap me. Nani asks Shyam to stop. She says, people of this house are not like you. Even after knowing everything.. we allowed you to stay in this house because we thought that you at least care about Anjali. Arnav says, I would never let you in this house… if Di didn’t get fine after seeing you. I can’t believe.. you tried to kill Anjali di.

Shyam says, nothing like that happened. Arnav holds his collar and asks, you changed Di’s medicine to kill her right? Shyam says, medicine was just to abort child.. no one dies because of that. Lights come back on.. Shyam realizes what he just said and shuts himself up.

Arnav asks why did you do this? Shyam takes a deep breath and confesses everything.

Shyam says, yes.. I am a bad person.. I don’t care about anyone.. you all can go to the hell.

Break 2..

Shyam laughs like an evil and says, I killed my own child. With this same hands.. I spreaded pieces of glasses so Rani saheba walks on them. He asks Nani.. it was such a good plan right? one small shock circuit.. and rani saheba fell like this with.. he laughs like crazy. He continues, and do you know why I did all this? Because after losing a child.. as a good husband, I can get an easy entry in this house. This place is like that only.. you can’t stay away from this place.

He then says, I only brought Dadi back to this house so she can brought me back to this house. but when Dadi couldn’t do anything.. I used and took advantage of my own child.

Episode ends with Anjali’s sad and shocking face.


Anjali slaps Shyam.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 359] 8th October 2012 Written Update


Shyam’s phone rings and he wakes up to answer it, but he cuts as soon as he goes to pick it up, he then notices the lights decoration on the floor and goes to touch it and gets a shock, he then flashbacks to what he did to Anjali, he is obviously disturved and Anjali comes in concerned looking and asking if anything is wrong, she informs him she planned a surprise for him and he questions it. She explains it was for their anniversary, she continues that this year she wanted to do something for him, she gets teary. Shyam tells her it doesn’t matter and he was scared for no reason and calms her down. Anjali wishes him and gives him a present. Shyam thanks her for the present, Anjali asks if he forgot and he replies that he has something planned for her.

Arnav notices Anjali picking flowers and goes to her, she tells him she thought to pick some flowers for the Pooja.

Arnav sits Anjali down and gives her a box, its all the rakhis that Anjali has made for her that he has kept in a box, he continues that he promised to look after her and her happiness. He continues that she put a rakhi on her with the hope of him looking after his happiness. Anjali is confused as to why he is asking these questions. He continues that nothing is more important then her happiness, he cant handle anything coming in the way. He wants Anjali to put on the rakhi and that he will always look after her and protect her. Anajli reassures him and puts on the rakhi on his hand. Khushi then comes, Arnav wants to apologise if he has ever hurt her, but Anjali replies that this can never happen. He then says that If she ever feels that to know that he is only what he is doing for her own protection, Anjali asks what the matter is, Khushi replies that nothing is the matter and he has become a bit emotional post marriage. Khushi replies that she doesn’t have a present for Anjali but would like her ashirwaad that no matter what she does, that it’s the right thing and they don’t hurt her. Anjali asks what the matter is with both of them and hugs them both.

All the family is gathered around in the lounge and wish Anjali, Khushi comes with some stuff to take to the mandir and both Shyam and Anjali make way to go to Mandir.

Khushi and Anjali are in Shyam’s room and are putting what looks like speakers? in the room.

In the lounge there is full steam ahead with the decorations. Mami calls for Arnav’s help but they walk away and Mami wonders what the matter is. Anjali and Shyam come in and she is surprised with all the decorations in the house. Shyam asks when the guests are coming, but Mami says that it’s a family matter only. Khushi is concerned and Arnav reassures her that everything will be okay.

Anjali in her room telling Shyam that she thinks something special will happen today. Shyam puts on another mangalsutra on Anjali, and tells her he did mention he had something special for her. Shyam continues that he was not able to give her much, but this is a sign of her love which will never end. He continues that he saw the mangalsutra months ago but took a while to get the money together, she notices the money tag and it states 3 lakh on it, Shyam fakes how he missed it. Anjali tells him what was the need and writes Shyam a cheque.

Shyam does not want to accept but Anjali makes him accept it, that they promised to be with each other no matter what. Shyam thinks its so easy to fool her and happiness is on his side and sadness on hers. Khushi comes and invites Anjali to get ready for the function. When she leaves he mutters that he wants everything. As Khushi leaves the room she gives Ishara to NK.

Shyam sits and smiles looking at the cheque, he then hears a baby cry and gets disturbed from hearing the crying sound, he looks for where the sound is coming from and gets more and more agitated.


Shyam in darkness that he killed his own child with his own hands before it was born and starts laughing, lights come on and Anjali is there with Arnav and Khushi fuming.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 358] 5th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Shyam thinking about what’s been happening with him recently and he’s upset. Anjali comes there and gives him medicine. She asks him to rest and leaves from there leaving medicine bottle on table there. Shyam goes somewhere and in the mean time, Khushi comes there and changes the medicine bottle.

Shyam comes back and sees the bottle. He remembers how he had changed Anjali’s medicine before. He goes, this medicine? and he starts shouting, Rani saheba.. rani saheba. He comes downstairs where everyone is sitting. Anjali asks him, why are you shouting? Shyam says, what else would I do? How can you give me such medicine? At least check which medicine you’re giving me. Anjali says, I gave you headache’s medicine. Shyam says, do you want me to get sick purposely? I have having more headache after taking that medicine.. I am getting dizzy.. I need to go to doctor now. read full updates with pictures only at . Anjali tries to explain him that she gave headache’s medicine, but Shyam doesn’t want to listen anything. Shyam asks Anjali to call doctor. Arnav gets angry but Khushi calms him down before he does anything. Manorama tells Shyam, but you look absolutely fine. Shyam says, I am not fine at all because Anjali gave me wrong medicine. He then takes Anjali to their room to show that she gave wrong medicine. Everyone else follows them as well. In the room, Shyam shows medicine bottle and says to Anjali, you gave me this medicine of aborting child and saying it was headache’s medicine? Everyone is shocked. Shyam says, I don’t even know what effect this will have.. and then he realizes what he just said and he shuts himself up.

Nani asks, but from where did medicine of aborting child come here? Anjali asks Shyam, what are you saying? This is not that medicine.. it’s headache’s medicine which I gave it to you. She asks Shyam to check himself, and it is really headache’s medicine. On the side, Nk shows to Khushi that he has other medicine bottle. Shyam says to Anjali, but I never took this medicine. Anjali says, no I myself gave you this medicine… what has happened to you? sometimes pieces of glasses.. sometimes medicine of aborting child? Shyam says, I think I need some rest. Everyone is leaving now but then suddenly Nani asks Shyam, how do you know so much about medicine of aborting child? Shyam doesn’t answer and he says to Anjali, I think I am not feeling well. Anjali says to him, you rest. Everyone leaves from there now. Arnav is still there and he looks at Shyam-Anjali and then finally leaves.

While everyone coming downstairs, Manorama says, don’t know what’s happened to everyone in this house. Nani says, seems like someone doesn’t want our happiness. Khushi says Nani not worry.. everything will be fine. Nani and Manorama leave. Nk and khushi are alone now. Khusni thanks Nk for helping her. Nk asks Khushi, if a guy takes medicine of aborting child, then what will happen to him? Khushi says, at max.. he will get dizzy and he won’t feel good. Khushi says, but fear is a big thing.. and I expected this behaviour from Shyam. And now if he doesn’t pay for his mistakes, then who would?

Everyone is in the living room now. Arnav is going to a meeting. Khushi stops him and asks him, can’t you cancel the meeting for today? Nani asks Khushi, you don’t him to go? Khushi says, actually it’s a special today and I want Arnav to be with me today. Manorama asks, what’s so special today? Arnav also asks Khushi. Khushi says, actually on this day.. I and Arnav went outside for the first time. Nk asks Arnav, what special thing happened that day that Khushi started liking you so much? Arnav seems confused. Khushi says, that day Arnav ordered all my favorite dishes.. and then in evening when he came to drop me.. he gave me a beautiful saaree in a gift. Nk says, saaree and Nannav? No one else can believe it either. Khushi says, even I couldn’t believe Arnav himself bought saaree from me. She holds his shoulder and says… he seems ‘khadus’ (boring person) from outside but from inside, he is a very nice person. He’s not like how he looks.

Manorama asks Khushi, so do you want more saarees? Nk says, no no it’s time for a party. Khushi says, there will be party for sure tomorrow for Di and Shyam’s anniversary, but for today I want (looking at Arnav) you to stay home. Anjali gets up and says to Arnav, now today you will have to stay at home only. She then tells Arnav, before you take Khushi out.. give two minutes.. I want Khushi to select saaree for me. Arnav tells Anjali, you go .. Khushi will be there shortly. Arnav then takes Khushi on a side.

He asks Khushi, what is this? Why are you not letting me go to the office? Khushi says, tomorrow we have to bring Shyam’s truth to everyone and expose him. If you go to the office today, then who will help me in all the preparations? Arnav looks tensed. Khushi says him not to worry.. everything will be fine. Anjali asks Arnav, if you are done talking then can I take Khushi ji with me for some time? She then takes Khushi with her.

Khushi is on the phone with Nk and asks him if he arranged everything. She then says, I am really feeling very bad for Anjali and then she hangs up.

Khushi now comes to her room and she sees all her favorite dishes on a table there which she mentioned outside while ago. Arnav says to her, all this is for you. Khushi is very happy and cannot believe it. She asks Arnav, you did all this for me? Arnav says, all these are your favorite dishes right? and then he gives her a sweet. Khushi seems very emotional. Arnav tells her, there is no need to get this much emotional.. I made 2-3 phone calls and everything got arranged. He then says, one thing took time. He brings a gift box and says, it took an hour to get this.. I hope you like it. Khushi opens the box and it’s a saaree. Khushi asks him, you brought this saaree for me? It’s very beautiful.

Arnav says to her, I know you’re very tensed because of Shyam and specially after what we planned to do tomorrow. I just wanted to cheer you up. Khushi hugs him and says, and you succeeded in that.

Break 1..

Anjali and other family members are preparing for the party tomorrow. Anjali shows a muffler to everyone and asks how is this? Arnav and Khushi come there now. Anjali says, Shyam has done so much for me.. and there can’t be any better day than our anniversary day to gift him this hand-made muffler. She is very excited and asks everyone how is this. Arnav goes away from there. Khushi follows him.

Looking at Anjali, Arnav says.. I had heard that love is blind, but this MUCH? I didn’t know that. When Di will find the truth tomorrow, then what will happen? He asks Khushi, if they have to reveal truth tomorrow to her? It’s her anniversary. He says, look.. Di seems so happy. I can’t do this. Khushi says, I understand.. but truth has to come out one day. Arnav says, but why tomorrow? Khushi says, tomorrow because there can’t be any better day than tomorrow. We have to expose Shyam in front of everyone.. he’s very dangerous and we shouldn’t delay.

Break 2..

Khushi says, I know Di will hurt a lot.. but whole family is there to take care of her. That pain is better than spending entire life with that man. We will have to do it and that too tomorrow.. before Shyam starts doubting and he starts playing some new game. Arnav says, last time when Di found out truth.. she couldn’t take it.. and this time if anything happens to her, then..

Khushi says, nothing will happen to Di. I know you will let nothing happen to her. Everything is ready and this is the only chance to make Shyam say truth by himself and why he did all this with Anjali and her child. Khushi says, all bad things have an end and this bad thing has to end now… faster it ends.. better it will be for all of us. Arnav says, it will happen.. Shyam will be exposed tomorrow in front of everyone. I will expose him.

Episode ends..


Shyam is sleeping. His phone rings and he wakes up. Before he picks up the phone.. it disconnects. He then sees some lighting decoration in his room. He touches the lights and gets an electrical current.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 357] 4th October 2012 Written Update


Shyam is shaving and thankful he was able to fix the situation, he gets a call but when he answers no one answers. He then starts shaving and very badly cuts his face and his finger, he then notices there are glass pieces on the razor and wonders how this happened, the phone rings again and he gets angry at the person calling, Anjali comes in worried why he is shouting and notices the bleeding and goes to get first aid for him.

Anjali goes to Arnav and asks for first aid, Khushi and Arnav enquire what the matter is and she explains, as Anjali leaves Arnav is angry Anjali is so concerned about someone how has done nothing but betray her.

Anjali tends to Shyam’s cut. Shyam informs that the razor had glasses pieces, she enquires how that could be, and he goes to show Anjali the razor but Anjali replies that it has no glass pieces, Shyam asks if Anjali thinks she is lying, Shyam is annoyed at the calls he is receiving and is getting frustrated.

Anjali then goes to pick up the phone and its Shyam’s assistance stating that Shyam is needed for an important. Anjali tells Shyam to get some rest, but Shyam starts shouting that he isn’t and he has been getting blank calls. Anjali looks concerned and leaves Shyam in his state.

Shyam comes out of bathroom and notices the doors moving and then the curtains, he shuts everything stating the people in this house will drive him crazy and he needs to leave, his phone rings again and as he starts walking he injures his foot and then notices there are glass pieces. He then calls Anjali, Nani and Mami and Khushi wonder what the matter is.

Anjali goes to the room and sees the blood, Shyam tells Anjali about the glass pieces but she wonders how that could be, Shyam goes to show Anjali the socks but again there are no glass pieces. Shyam again asks Anjali whether she thinks he is lying, but Anjali tries to defend herself but Shyam doesn’t listen and accuses Anjali of not believing him. Anjali wants to help but Shyam just wants to be alone. When Anjali leaves, Shyam checking the bed and wonders how this could be possible.

Anjali comes down and Nani enquires about Shyam, Anjali explains what Shyam and what she found and that she is concerned about him. Nani explains this happened before.

Shyam asks HP where the rubbish came from and he replies that it was from Arnav’s room, he then asks Arnav about it and he replies that it was a bulb and stuff like this happens, Shyam explains that if something happened to Anjali that he would have died. Anrav gets angry and holds Shyam by the neck, Khushi comes and tells him to stop, Shyam wants to know what he did wrong and Arnav replies if he could he would tell everyone what he has done. Khushi explains that the bulb was broken by her by putting some pictures up.

When Arnav and Khushi goes to the room and she asks him why he chucked the rubbish in the bin and Shyam is clever, Arnav agrees and states that Shyam will figure out the stupid plan sooner or later, he wants to tell the police, Khushi asks whether the police will believe them, but he doesn’t care and he wants to tell Anjali everything. Khushi tries to calm Arnav down and everything is being done for Anjali. Arnav then notices the cut on Khushi’s hand and she tells him it happened during the bulb incident. Arnav enquires how took the glass out and NK comes in, Khushi explains that it was NK, we see flashback of what NK did. NK compliments Khushi on his plan, Arnav says its too much but NK replies that Shyam is too much, Arnav asks what the next plan is.

Khushi says that Anjali is coming down the stairs, Arnav states that he is not able to do it, Khushi teases that she knows he is incapable of fighting and acting but he needs to do this. Arnav argues that he can act and fight, Khushi tells Arnav to have the medication, but arnav says he wont, Khushi replies that she wont talk to him and he states he is okay with that. Khushi argues that this is the problem he is not affected by anything she does. Arnav says he is and Khushi carries on arguing, Anjali comes in asking what the matter is. Arnav states he cant remember and Khushi explains that she is trying to get him to have some medicine but Arnav is not listening. Khushi replies that she is scared for him with the nightmares that he is having, Anjali enquires about this she wants him to see a doctor, but Khushi replies there is no need for that and he needs rest and to have the medicine. Anjali the n states that shyam was stating that same as Arnav has well, Khushi tells Arnav to have the medicine, Anjali requests as well and Arnav relents and states he will have it, Khushi then tells Anjali to have Shyam have the medicine as well, Anjali takes it.

Khushi teases Arnav about his fake acting and NK comes to chill them out. NK them enquires the story behind the medine. Arnav explains he went to Anjali’s room and saw the changed medication (we see flashback) Khushi explains when the medince was tested that it was for having a child aborted. NK is shocked to hear this, Khushi explains that this didn’t work so he made another plan.


Shyam asking what medicine she gave him, Anjali states that nothing will happen, Shyam says how could she give him abortion medicine for a headache. Everyone is shocked to hear this.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 356] 3rd October 2012 Written Update


The episode begins with Khushi and Arnav's scene from last night's episode. Shyaam opens the door and it's empty. Shyaam picks up his laptop and is about to open the lid when NK comes and pushes him to go downstairs. Shyaam budges again and again, but NK doesn't let him go. Arnav and Khushi come out from behind the wardrobe.

Khushi goes to Anjali and tells her about the oil that will help her feet heal. She starts massaging and Mami sits in the other corner insulting Khushi. Arnav stands close by to see what Khushi's doing. Anjali teases Arnav and Khushi while Khushi sees the wounds from when Anjali had a miscarriage. Khushi is shocked whereas Arnav is super angry.

Arnav is walking back and forth outside the house and he is angry wanting to kill Shyaam for harming his sister. He says that it was not a miscarriage but a murder. Khushi apologizes for bringing him back in the house and says that she didn't know that he was still the same Shyaam. Arnav is about to walk away when Khushi tells him that he needs to calm down and think before he does anything irrational. Khushi tells Arnav that they need to make sure that Anjali's blind trust over Shyaam is broken. Arnav suddenly thinks of the dhol wala's and says that they might know of something that could help them.

Mami is shown sleeping and NK tries waking her up. Nani tells NK that this is Manorama's sleeping time because she had told her to make food. NK says then why did Manorama mock Khushi? Nani says that mocking and sleeping is something Manorama loves doing but she is very sweet in the heart and that she will never accept her fault. NK says that yes, she will accept her fault. The two just look on.

Arnav and Khushi are sitting at the JB Music Equipments. Arnav asks the manager to see all the men that had come in the RM the day of their Sangeet. The manager tells them that only one wasn't there because he had been hurt so he was replaced by a temporary placement. Khushi asks for a description of him. The manager explains him exactly the way Arnav remembered Shyaam. 

Anjali and Nani are shown doing Pooja. NK pretends to be Devi Mayya and starts talking to Manorama and tells her to wake up and not ask questions. Mami is shocked. NK asks Mami to accept all her "paaap"  Manorama says that she will tell her in private or in email. NK yells NO, and to speak right away.  Manorama starts confessing and says that she doesn't like to work that's why she sits in the Mandir so no one can say anything to her. She then says that she had mixed a little bit of wine in Bua's drink at Payal's wedding so that she would lose the competition. Nani is surprised and Mami continues to say that she had to do this to win the compeition. Arnav and Khushi walk in just then. Manorama then confesses to have being the one behind the whole fiasco with sareees that were brought in the first time and Manorama had put holes in them. NK says that Manorama should be the "Phatti saree" then. Khushi and Arnav smile. NK comes out from behind and Manorama is shocked. She gets embarrassed and walks away. Khushi asks why NK did this? To which he says that he wanted to make sure she confesses everything and this is the best way to make her confess to everything.

Arnav and Khushi are outside the house again where Khushi tells Arnav that she has a plan and she talks but we can't hear it at all. Arnav says that it won't work. Khushi says that if he has another way then they could use that but it won't be of no help and Shyaam might just confess his deeds.

It's the next morning. Everyone is at the table having a fun time. HP walks in and says that the painters are here to look at the house. Shyaam is shocked. Arnav just notices the expression on Shyaam's face. Nani asks why the sudden paint of the house to which Arnav says that it has been a long time and he thought of getting it done before Diwali. Shyaam suddenly says that he has some urgent work and has to get it done right away. He walks away. Khushi and Arnav just look at each other. Anjali mutters that Shyaam and his work.

Shyaam walks in his room, and he is frustrated. He says that he will have to remove the cameras for a few days so that they aren't caught by the painters. He then says that he will find another way of keeping a close eye on Arnav and Khushi. He walks into Arnav's room and is about to take the camera off when Arnav enters the room. Shyaam hides. Arnav picks up a file and walks away. Shyaam heaves a sigh of relief. 

Shyaam is shown taking off all the cameras from Arnav and Khushi's room especially the pool side.  Arnav walks to where Khushi is standing and just nods.

Arnav tells Khushi that the cameras are gone. They are in their room. Khushi says that thank God the cameras are gone, and now they can do whatever they want. Arnav smirks and starts walking towards her. Instead of doing anything to Khushi, he just bends and picks up his phone. He then asks Khushi what she had in mind.  Khushi say nothing and she is about to walk away when Arnav pulls her to himself and says that did she think he was going to do something else. Khushi shakes her head and says that she was thinking what their next plan would be. Realization hits Arnav and he moves away and says that this plan won't work. Khushi says what if it works? Arnav says that she doesn't know Shyaam. Khushi says that she does and that why does Arnav always think negative. She huffs, crosses her arms and looks angry. Episode ends right there on Khushi's face.


Shyaam is shaving in his room and he picks the razor up, puts it on his face and it cuts him. He then checks it with his finger and that cuts too. He looks closely and there's a piece of glass in it. He wonders how is it possible.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 355] 2nd October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav finding one more camera in their room. He doesn’t say anything to Khushi yet. Khushi changes her wedding clothes and comes back there. As soon as she returns, Arnav pulls her to the bed. He’s about to kiss her but then he stops. He says, I am sleepy. Khushi says, I am also tired, we should sleep now. Arnav then turns off the lights and they put shawl or cover on them.

They are under covers now. Their head crash with each other and both laugh. Khushi says, I like all this. Arnav asks what? She says, all this.. me, you, and our little world. I don’t want anything else. She continues, do you know.. I find this world strange (heavy) sometimes. Arnav says, may be you’re heavy for this world. Khushi slaps him on his stomach and both laugh again. Arnav says, so finally all rituals, pheres, marriage is finally done. Khushi hugs him.

It’s morning now. Khushi is in red saaree and brings tea for everyone. When she gives tea to Manorama, she asks Khushi… this is your first day so what are you cooking in breakfast? Khushi says, whatever you want. Manorama says, puri halwa. Khushi goes to kitchen to make puri halwa now. While Khushi is cooking in kitchen, Nani and Anjali come there. Nani says, this ritual is very important for new bahu.. by this she can win everyone’s heart. Anjali says, according to this ritual.. you’re supposed to cook everything..but if you need help, then you can tell me.. I will help you. Khushi says, no I will do it. Nani then checks gas.. and it’s not on. She tells Khushi to turn on the gas first. read full updates daily with pictures only at . Anjali asks Nani, why are you getting worried? Our Khushi doesn’t do any mistake. She knows how to cook everything.. this halwa puri is nothing. Khushi is nervous for some reasons.. she talks with herself and says, why are they standing here? I don’t get it.. they are encouraging me or scaring me. Anjali asks Khushi.. what are you talking to yourself? I can’t hear it.. Khushi says, nothing. They get call from someone now and Khushi picks it up. She says, ‘halwa’ instead of ‘hello’. It’s buaji’s call. Buaji says, I heard you’re making halwa puri for everyone. Khushi gets shocked and asks, how do you know? Buaji says, as you said ‘halwa’ instead of ‘hello’. Buaji then says.. don’t forget. Khushi asks, how can I forget you all? Buaji says, I am talking about ilaichi (masala). Khushi gets annoyed and disconnects the phone. Nani and Anjali leave now saying Khushi to make halwa puri fast as they are hungry.

After they leave, Khushi asks herself, why are you scaring so much? You have done all this before.. you can do it Khushi.. you can do it. Now Manorama comes there and says to her, you have to break my record.. when I came to this house after marriage.. I made so tasty halwa that I had to make so many puris. She scares Khushi saying it’s very difficult and leaves from there. Khushi now realizes she added too much water and it’s difficult to make puris now.

Khushi wonders what she should do now as puris came out to be terrible. She finally goes outside and serves food to everyone. She gives special sugar free halwa to Arnav and then sits beside him. Nk starts eating first and strange sound comes as he eats. He says, wow. . I like puri.. it’s puri (soft) too and papad (hard) too. Nice. Anjali.. Nani are next to eat.. they make weird faces but when Khushi looks at them, they smile. Khushi is looking at everyone as they eat. Aakash also has expression as he loved puris. Now it’s Manorama who eats.. she is about to say something but Aakash stops her. Arnav also says, it’s very nice. Khushi says, thank god… I thought… and then she eats now. She now realizes that puri is not like puri at all. She stops Arnav from eating and asks.. how can you eat this? It’s terrible. Arnav says, what? you made it.. I liked it. Anjali says to Khushi, that’s why I was saying.. you two are made for each other. Khushi now gives Arnav something else to eat.

Khushi now says, I was thinking to open wedding gifts. She says, whole family will open gifts together. Anjali says, I will call Shyam too.. we will open them together.

Everyone is sitting together and opening gifts. Arnav then is taking Khushi somewhere. Nk sees that and he asks, where are you two running away? Anjali says, let them go.. they want to be together.. try to understand. Khushi whispers to Arnav.. you go .. I will be there in a bit.

Khushi calls Nk to her and says him, don’t let anyone move from here until all gifts are unpacked.. no one. Nk asks, but why? Khushi says, because I am telling you. He salutes her and says, okay. Khushi leaves from there now. Shyam sees them leaving and he tells Anjali, I am tired.. I think I should rest now. Nk says, no.. ‘aaram haram hai’. We have to sit together and open all gifts.. so you don’t have permission to leave. Anjali asks Shyam to stay saying you’re also part of this family.

Arnav and Khushi are checking a laptop (probably Shyam’s). Khushi tells him to check fast before someone comes. On the other side, Shyam says to Anjali.. I have some important work.. I will be right back. Anjali says, okay. He gets up, but Nk stops him and says, you never spend time with us.. I won’t let you go anywhere today. sit and open gifts. He then says in his mind, Khushi ji.. don’t know what you are making me do.

Arnav and Khushi are watching videos of their wedding function in that laptop now.

Nk gets a call from someone and he’s busy on the phone. Shyam says to himself, this is the chance to leave.. have to find out what Khushi and Arnav are doing. Shyam tells Anjali.. he will go and get his phone. He goes upstairs now.

Khushi and Arnav are now watching Anjali’s godh bharai function videos. By seeing hand of a man.. Khushi says.. this is Shyam’s bracelet.

Break 1..

Arnav then says, when I was talking with other workers.. he removed all cameras. Arnav fast forwards and now they see a man with same bracelet playing drums. On the other hand, Shyam is on his way to come upstairs.

Khushi says, this is Anjali’s godh bharai videos. Now it’s Anjali’s room that comes in the videos. Khushi gets worried and says, that means.. there is camera in this room as well. Arnav tells her to relax saying he checked already.

Break 2..

Shyam is coming closer to his room.

Now Arnav and Khushi see same bracelet man spreading pieces of glasses on the floor in Anjali’s room and then video gets cut.

Arnav checks other video now and in that Anjali falls down on the stairs. Arnav says, for sure there is some connection between Anjali falling down and pieces of glasses. I won’t leave him (Shyam). Khushi says, wait a minute.. and then they hear someone coming to the room. Shyam is approaching to his room. Khushi is worried.

Shyam opens the door and that’s the end of episode.


Whole family is in the living room. Khushi comes there with oil. She says to Anjali.. with this oil.. your leg will be fine. Khushi then applies oil to Anjali’s leg and she sees wounds in her leg which she got from pieces of glasses other day.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 354] 1st October 2012 Written Update


Khushi is on the bed and Arnav on top of her and they are having an eye locking session, he then goes to get up and Khushi holds his hand. He sits down, Khushi saying she is upset that Dadi has left, when Dadi came if felt like the whole family was one and now she has left because of her. Arnav says a family is only a family when there is acceptance if Dadi was here there wouldn't be. Khushi apologises and Arnav states its not her fault.

We see that Shyam is watching them on camera, Anjali then comes in asking what he is doing, he replies he is doing work, she tells him to sleep as he might be tired. Anjali starts talking about the wedding, Shyam says he is busy with work and Anjali leaves him to it. He goes back to watching Khushi and Arnav. He states he has not lost yet, if one plan has failed then a good player makes another one.

Arnav says she should eat but Khushi is not hungry. Arnav tells Khushi to get changed, as he goes Khushi is still holding on to his hand. He sits down and she goes to get a box, she starts cleaning his wound and asks if its hurting, just by hiding the hurt doesn't go away (rabba ve playing) she can only see the hurt on his face, he cant hide his hurt from here, but it doesn't matter as he doesn't haven't to say anything as she understands as there are somethings that is hard to share but she will always be there for him. She puts her head on his shoulder, Arnav explains when he found out the truth he didn't know what to do, he was never able to speak about what happened to his mother, but that changed when she came to his life and was able to move on., but today his past came to present. Khushi replies that she understands that he can never forget about his past and will always be a part of his life, instead of running from his past to accept and make them a part of their life, and if he remembers them he should think they are with him. Arnav states she always knows how to change his mood.

There is a knock on the door NK and Akash have their eyes closed, Arnav asks what the matter is, NK stumbles and Akash wants to speak about work but NK stops him. Anjali doesn't let Khushi and Arnav be together until she gets her nekh (money) from Arnav as she is his sister and its her right. Arnav says he will give what she wants, Anjali states just like Khushi is important to her, they both are important to her and wants him to promise that he will keep Khushi happy.

NK states to tease and Payal states she has double haq as she is sister and Bhabi, Arnav gives in and tries to get them to leave, NK drops a plant and Khushi tells him to leave it and she will sort it out, it seems . Anjali gets them all to leave. Shyam is trying to see what is happening. As Khushi is cleaning, Arnav calls her, shyam seems scared that Arnav has noticed the camera, but it seems that Arnav hasn't noticed anything. Anjali then comes in and asks if he wants coffee, he replies he doesn't and quickly closes the laptop. Anjali asks if he is okay, he looks tired and concerned, Shyam says he will only be a little longer, she goes to make some coffee. He opens the laptop and wonders where Arnav and Khushi have got to.

Khushi asks what the matter is and why he texted telling her to act like nothing has happened and come out here to the poolside, Arnav explains that someone is watching them, Khushi is shocked and informs he saw a camera in the bouquet, Khushi asks who it could be, Arnav doesn't know but someone wants to keep and eye on them, Khushi asks what they should do, he replies they should act like nothing has happened and keep an eye out, he suspects someone but wont do anything without proof. Khushi trusts him. Anjali comes and enquires what husband and wife are doing outside, Khushi said she wanted to stay outside with Arnav for a little while, Anjali replies that Shyam is the same and is not able to sleep either he is glued to the laptop, both Arnav and Khushi are shocked to hear this.

Anjali leaves coffee for them both. Khushi asks Arnav if they are thinking the same thing, but they don't have proof, Arnav states that they will find the truth, he is a low person and can do anything, he wants to keep and eye on them. Khushi enquires how come no one knew about the cameras, and wonders there must be a button or wires somewhere, Arnav then recalls that NK enquired about wires before. Khushi is shocked, Anrav stating Shyam is using Anjali and she cannot see anything. Arnav then recalls the bill where under Anjali's card there was some camera ordered, he realises that Shyam must have bought them.

Shyam is still looking through the camera and wondering what is happening and where the both of them went off to, there were cameras everywhere and wonders where they could be.

Arnav states that he must have the information somewhere, he replies they must get into his room, Khushi asks how, he doesn't know but for the time being they need to act like they no nothing but stay alert.


Khushi and Arnav get ready for bed and they hide under the covers. Khushi states she likes this, and Arnav enquires what and she replies them both and their little world together

Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 353] 28th September 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav telling Khushi that there is nothing beside hate, betrayals, and pain (with her). Khushi loses her balance and is about to fall down on the ground but Arnav quickly catches her.

Arnav says to her, Khushi.. by making me stand here.. you gave me answers of all my questions. Shyam is worried for some reasons and is calling someone. He tells someone something on phone. Blood from Arnav’s head fall on Khushi’s head, where you do sindhoor. Arnav continues, I am sorry.. Khushi. I got little late in coming but I had to come na. Everyone is happy now. Arnav says to Khushi, I want to marry you. I want to spend all my moments with you. Khushi hugs him and Rabba Ve plays in background. Khushi seems very happy and is smiling big.

Khushi says, I knew you will come.. you wouldn’t leave me alone. Arnav says, I told you na.. I won’t be able to live without you. Khushi then touches his forehead where he has got injured. On a side, Shyam asks Anjali, Arnav is doing all this purposely right? Don’t take me wrong. I really want this marriage to happen, but after knowing this truth.. will they be able to live with each other? Anjali is looking at Arnav-Khushi and says, no Shyam ji.. their relationship is not that weak. Nani says to Arnav, I am with you.. this is biggest decision of your life, but after this.. don’t do anything that would hurt Khushi. read full updates with pictures only at . Arnav says, Nani.. you all wanted me to forget my past and move on right? That’s what I am doing. He holds Khushi’s hand and taking her somewhere. But Dadi stops them. Dadi says, even after knowing Garima is responsible for your mother and dad’s death? Arnav says, I can’t change whatever that’s happened. Dadi says, no one can change the truth. How can you marry Khushi? Arnav says, biggest truth is that I love Khushi a lot. Thorns kept hurting me.. but I can’t punish flowers (roses) for that. My mother told me this long time ago.. but I understood it today. He then pushes Dadi’s hand away from Khushi’s hand and tells her, I think you should also forget everything and move on. Dadi says, but all this that Garima did..Arnav says, she didn’t do anything.. it was all my father’s fault. He was married, but still he kept relationship with two women and betrayed them. And when he couldn’t face his mistake.. he committed suicide.

He continues, your way of thinking is wrong and if you can’t change that then maybe you should leave from here. Dadi gets angry and is leaving from there. Khushi stops her and says, your elder of this house and without your blessings I… Dadi says, blessings and to you? Only because of you I’m separated from my grandson and whole family. Dadi looks at Arnav and says, remember.. you will regret for your this decision in coming days. Khushi still tries to stop Dadi, but Arnav tells her.. let her (dadi) go. Dadi leaves from there now.

Arnav again takes Khushi’s hand in his hand. Nk says, Nannav you entered late.. but your entry was mind-blowing.. like a bomb. Nk goes to get priest back.

Khushi and Arnav are in a mandap now. They exchange flower malas. When Khushi is about to put mala on Arnav.. Aakash carries him up, but in end Khushi puts mala on Arnav. Everyone seems very happy. Arnav and Khushi now sit down. Anjali ties their knot. Priest reads all the mantras and they do all rituals. Arnav puts mangal-sutra on Khushi. And then does sindhoor to her. Shyam is not liking all this. Priest asks them to stand up now for pheres. They starts their pheres and everyone throws flowers on them, some happily (mostly everyone).. some not too happily (Manorama). After couple of pheres, Khushi comes in front now and they resume their pheres. and THEY ARE FINALLY MARRIED NOW!!!!

Khushi is about to say to Arnav, I.. Arnav says, I know and I love you a lot too. He then kisses her on forehead and they hug. They now take blessings from the elders. When they take blessings from Garima, she asks Arnav to forgive her. He says, you don’t have to apologize. .I am forgetting my past and starting a new beginning. It’s better if our past don’t come between us in future. Khushi hugs Garima. Buaji tell them, to be with each other like ALWAYS. Khushi and Arnav then have an eyelock.

Break 1..

Raizada family is back to their house. Nani does aarti of Khushi and Arnav. Arnav is just smiling. Nk tells him, get serious.. all these rituals are very important.. without them no entry for you. Nani gives a gift to Khushi. Now it’s Manorama’s turn.. she doesn’t want to give gift but in end she gives gift to Khushi and welcomes her. Khushi tries to say something to her but Manorama says, there is nothing greater than Arnav’s happiness for me, understand?

Break 2..

Now Khushi kicks a rice pot, puts her legs in red colored. and finally enters the house. Aakash stops and asks Arnav, did you forget our house’s tradition? Anjali says, leave it.. I don’t think Khushi will be able to take it. Khushi asks, what kind of tradition? Nk says, whatever kind of tradition it is.. you will have to do it right. Payal says, why are you bothering my sister? Khushi then asks Arnav, what kind of tradition? Arnav then carries her. Khushi says, what are you doing? You’re injured. Arnav says, I am not that injured either that I can’t carry my wife. He then takes her inside.

That’s the end of the lovely episode.


Arnav and Khushi are in their room. Khushi is putting medicine on Arnav’s head. There is a camera in their room from which Shyam is watching everything. Shyam says, I haven’t given up yet saale sahab (Arnav)…good players always have second plan ready if one fails.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 352] 27th September 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav at place where he had planted plants with his mother and screaming. He’s crying. He then sees a rose which reminds him of his mother. How blood started coming out from his mother’s finger and he broke that plant of roses. His mother asks him what are you doing, chote? He says, this rose hurt you and now I will destroy it. She says, no son, you don’t do this.. this flower hasn’t matured fully and if you break now then it will die right? It needs lots of care and love right now. He says, I can’t love any thing that has hurt my mother. She says, sometimes we can’t see the difference in right and wrong, but always remember.. don’t hurt something that’s near your heart. She continues, see in this case, mistake was its thorn’s but you are taking out anger on rose, and you got hurt too in this. He says, I don’t care. She says, you should never hurt to someone that loves you and whom you love as well. You shouldn’t punish someone else for others mistake. He says, for me only you matter.. I don’t care.

Back to present. Arnav is holding a rose in his hand and thinking about Khushi. He then throws away that rose and leaves from there. On the other side, Khushi is thinking about Arnav and how he said that him and Khushi are one already.. Khushi is his wife and his mother’s daughter-in-law already. She is still sitting in mandap. Garima goes to her and asks Khushi to forgive her. She says, I tried a lot not to come between your marriage but.. Khushi turns away her face from Garima.

Arnav is driving his car somewhere.

Nk is trying to call Arnav but he’s not picking up. Buaji signals Payal to go to Khushi. Payal asks Khushi to go to home but she doesn’t move or say anything. Buaji also goes to Khushi now and says, he won’t come.. until when you will wait. If he had to come then he would be here by now. Khushi says, he will definitely come, buaji. He promised me.. I will have to wait for him. Manorama interferes and says, you should go to your home. It’s the end of you and your mother’s game. Anjali tries to stop Manorama but she says, why should I stop? Arnav is not going to come now. Khushi still says, Arnav will definitely come. Shyam says in his mind, say as many as times you want but he will not come.

Garima and Buaji are forcing now Khushi to get up, but she says no.. I must wait for him. Buaji says, have you gone crazy? Your Arnav won’t come here now. He left you alone here in mandap. Khushi says, he can’t do this. Payal says, everyone tried calling Arnav but he didn’t answer to anyone. He knows you’re waiting here right? If he wanted to come then he would have came here long time ago. They are forcing Khushi to go home. Khushi gets mad this time and says, I can’t go home. If Arnav comes here and doesn’t see me here, then he will think that I have no faith in him. I can’t break his faith. Today is my marriage.. I can’t go. Buaji now slaps Khushi.

Buaji says, why are you not understanding? Get out of this madness of love and face the truth. Arnav won’t come. Everyone has left from here. Fire also has gone off now. Khushi still doesn’t give up. She says, there is still some smoke left in fire.. I and Arnav were going to get married in front of this marriage and I won’t leave from here until this fire completely goes out. My heart says, he will definitely come.

Arnav is still driving.. faster and faster and thinking about his mother’s incident. He also thinks about his moments with Khushi. How she cares so much about him.. how he worries so much for her. And now he thinks about the moment when Garima’s truth came out. He seems helpless and doesn’t know what to do. He’s driving carelessly thinking about all these incidents.

Now incidents when he got kidnapped come in front of his eyes.. and when Khushi almost fell down. He shouts Khushi.. and then he realizes a truck is coming to his car. On the other side, Khushi gets worried and shouts Arnav ji.. Arnav ji. Arnav tries to get his car out of the way and he succeeds but his car hit to a tree. Khushi is shouting Arnav ji.. Arnav ji.. Nk stops her. She says, I am telling you something happened to Arnav.

Nk requests her to stop it. Khushi now sees all smoke going off and she runs there saying, noo.

Arnav is pretty much unconscious now after his car hitting to a tree. Blood is coming out from his head. He says, “maaa” and then his eyes get closed.

Break 1..

Khushi comes near fire and all smoke has gone completely now. She cannot believe it. She is broken now. Nani says, my daughter and goes to her and hugs her. Nani tells her not to lose hopes.. Arnav will definitely come. Khushi gets up and starts walking.

Break 2..

Garima comes down on her knees and says, where are you going my daughter, Khushi? Khushi turns back and says, amma (mother). She is going to her and suddenly Arnav is there holding her saaree.

Everyone is shocked seeing him there. Nani asks him how he got hurt. Khushi says, I knew you had an accident. She tries to touch him but Arnav goes back. Nk asks Arnav, where were you? Arnav says, I was searching for answers. He says to Khushi, when I fell in love with you.. I didn’t know our past was connected.

He continues, I didn’t know my past, from which I was running, would come out like this on my marriage day. I am here today just because of you where there is only pain, betrayals, hate and nothing else.

Episode ends.

No Precap!!