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Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 378] 2nd November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Aarav telling Sheetal, I am not going to school.. we have to go to meet papa today. Sheetal keeps ignoring him. Aarav says, so now I got it.. you lied me again like always and you’re not taking me to meet my father. Khushi says in her mind, maybe Sheetal doesn’t want Aarav to meet Arnav. She says, what’s fault of this poor child in that? Aarav is crying as Sheetal tells him to leave for the school. Aarav leaves from there. Khushi tells Sheetal, I know it’s your personal matter, but Aarav is your son and you have no rights to hurt him. Payal and other family members also tell her, you shouldn’t have lied to him .. you broke his heart. Khushi asks Sheetal, why are you punishing Aarav for someone else’s mistake? Sheetal says, what do you think that I like talking like this with him? But I have no answers to his questions.. I can’t give him his dad no matter what. Sheetal leaves from there.

Raizada family is worrying for Aarav. Manorama says, I think Sheetal can’t fulfill her responsibilites for Aarav. Nani says, Sheetal has so much stuff to do but I agree whatever she did today wasn’t right. Sheetal was there and listening all that. Sheetal now gets call from Aarav’s class teacher. Sheetal tells her to collect money from Aarav, but principal tells her that Aarav is not school anywhere. Sheetal says, how is this possible? I dropped Aarav till bus myself. She gets call again and class teacher tells her that Aarav wasn’t in bus either. Raizada family is getting worried. Manorama says, did anyone kidnap him thinking him as a part of Raizada family? Khushi calls Arnav and he leaves from the office.

Khushi, Nk, Sheetal are on street and asking everyone if they saw Aarav, but no luck. They return to home. Khushi says, they informed to police. Arnav and Aakash return to home. Sheetal says, it’s all my fault.. I shouldn’t have scolded him. Arnav asks her, what did you say? Sheetal tells him how she lied Aarav that she will introduce his dad to him. Arnav tells her, why would you promise him that you can’t fulfill? Sheetal says, he was sad so I just said to make him happy and I thought he will forget in the morning, but he got even more excited. Arnav asks her, did you tell him where you will take him to meet his dad? Sheetal says, yes.. but I don’t think he knows how to go there. Arnav leaves right away to go to that place. Sheetal and Khushi are also with him. Aarav is on the street asking everyone for a cafe location. In car, Arnav asks Sheetal why don’t you tell him about his dad? Why are you making him do all this. Aarav is trying to cross road but too many vehicles are coming and he’s struggling. Some kid in school uniform is crossing the road as well and he comes across Arnav’s car. Arnav’s car was about to hit him, but Arnav put the break on the right time. They think it’s Aarav but it turns out to be someone else. Khushi says in her mind, Arnav is so worried about Aarav.. I never seen him like this before. Aarav reaches the cafe and is waiting for his dad. He wonders, even if his dad comes there.. how he will know it’s his dad. Arnav, Khushi, Sheetal are still searching for Aarav.

Break 1..

Aarav is desperately waiting for his father to come. Arnav, Khushi, Sheetal finally arrive at the cafe. A cafe manager tells Aarav, you’re waiting here since so long.. I think you should return to your home. Aarav says, no I am waiting for my father. Manager tells him, I will drop to your home.. do you know your address?. Aarav says in his mind, if I go home then mum will never let me meet to my father. He then tells manager, my house is right behind the cafe. Manager tells him, so you go to your home.. if your dad comes here then I will send him to your house. read full updates with pictures only at Aarav leaves the cafe and Arnav, Sheetal, Khushi enter. Arnav asks the manager, did you see any kid here? Manager says, yes.. he was waiting here for his father since long and then he said he lives around here so I told him to go to his house.. is he your son? Arnav says, no he’s not my son.. where did he go? Manager says, that I don’t know. Arnav gets mad and says, couldn’t you let that kid stay here for while? You had that rush to clear the table? Khushi says, maybe Aarav left to go to home.. and he might be around some where here. Sheetal says, no he can’t go home.

Break 2..

Arnav also says, he won’t go home.. he knows if he goes home then he won’t get to meet his dad again. Sheetal says, this was his last chance to meet his dad and he didn’t want to miss this chance. Khushi says, but if he was there.. then we would be able to see him. Arnav says, I am sure he is here.. and they start searching for him in the cafe. They can’t find him. Khushi says, he’s not here. Arnav says, no.. he came here to meet his dad.. I am sure he’s hiding so no one can see him but he can see everything. They see some freezer and goes to check there. Aarav is sitting inside that freezer and freezing. Arnav takes him out. They take him to the Raizada house where doctor says, he’s fine now.. I gave him medicine. You just take care of him.. it will be better if he rests. Everyone leaves the room. Arnav tells Sheetal, think twice before you tell anything to your kid.. you know Aarav is very sensitive so be careful. Arnav leaves from there.

Episode ends.

Maha Episode Precap:

Aarav comes out of his room. Khushi tells him, you should be resting. He asks her, why everyone is making so much noise? Khushi tells him, tomorrow is Karva-chauth fast so everyone putting mehendi in their hands. Aarav says, oh yea.. mum also fasts every year. Khushi turns back and looks at Sheetal.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 377] 1st November 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi saying to herself, Sheetal was looking at these photos which means she still hasn’t forgotten her past. Aarav comes there now and asks her, what are you searching for? Khushi says, I was searching for you. They talk with each other and in that Aarav says, I don’t have any problem with Arnav. He is cool unlike other family members. Khushi then goes to her room where Arnav also says same thing that Aarav is very different and pretty cool. Arnav says, I am thinking to take Saturday off so I can spend more time with Aarav. Khushi is getting nervous and by mistakely she passes her clothes to Arnav. Arnav asks her, are you alright?

Everyone has gathered outside in the living room. Sheetal is checking Aarav’s school stuff and she tells him, do you know next week is parents day in your school. Aarav says, I know and I won’t go that day in school. Sheetal asks, why not? You’re new to this school so you have to go. Aarav says, fine I will go but only on one condition.. you will have to tell me whose my father. Whenever there is a parents day, everyone asks me there about my father. Sheetal says, I am your mother and I am your father. Aarav gets mad and shouts at Sheetal saying, you told me you will introduce me to my father when we come to Delhi, then where is he now? I knew you won’t tell me.. you all are bad people. He gets mad and starts throwing all stuff around. He leaves from there. Nani asks Sheetal, why don’t you tell him about his father? Sheetal says, it’s not in my control.. if I could then I would have told him long time ago.

Khushi goes to Aarav’s room where he’s playing loud music so he cannot hear her or anyone else’s voice. Khushi doesn’t care.. and she talks loudly with him. Aarav’s keep increasing volume. Khushi also raise her voice. In end Aarav gives up and turns off the music. Khushi is still screaming and saying, no matter what I won’t go until I talk with you. She now realizes he has turned off the music already and she shuts herself up. Aarav tells her, you don’t need to make me happy.. I am fine. And when my mum and dad, whom I have never met, don’t care about me, then why do you worry about me? Khushi says, worry about you? No No. I came to ask you for help. But if your mood is not good, then it’s okay. She is leaving and then she stops. She says, but I always thought that whether anyone else help me or not… you will always help me. But if your mood is not fine, then it’s okay. Aarav seems like he wants to help but he doesn’t say anything and Khushi leaves. He turns on music again.

Khushi is trying to plant some trees. Nani and Anjali wonder what she is trying to do. Aarav comes there and sees Khushi struggling. Nani and Anjali smile and leave from there. Khushi is not sure what to do. Aarav comes to her and says, move from here.. I will do it. Khushi says, no thanks. I know how to do. Aarav tells her, don’t say that again and move fast else plants will die. Aarav sits down beside her and teaches her how to plant trees properly. Khushi smiles and says in her mind, finally at least he got something to do by and is happy. Sheetal comes there now and tells Aarav, I brought colors for you. Aarav says to her, I don’t want it. I am fine. Khushi leaves from there.

Sheetal apologizes to Aarav. Aarav also apologizes to her. He says, but I am still angry at you. Sheetal kisses him on his forehead and says, you should understand that whatever I am doing is for your good. I don’t have answers to some of questions and it’s better if you don’t find out some stuff. Aarav says, mum please.. I just want to meet my dad once.. after that I won’t bother you. Sheetal says, promise? fine then.. I will introduce him to you. Aarav gets happy and asks where we will meet? Sheetal says, in a cafe. Aarav gets happy and thanks her.

Arnav is in office and he is just thinking about how Aarav was angry and was throwing stuff around. He cannot concentrate on his work and calls Khushi. He asks her, how is Aarav now. Khushi tells him he’s better now.

It’s evening now. Sheetal is standing alone and is very sad. Arnav and Khushi go to her. Sheetal apologizes to them for Aarav’s behaviour. Arnav says to her, if you don’t mind then can I tell you something? He says, I know there must be some reasons and that’s why you’re not telling him about his father, but it’s a big thing for someone with Aarav’s age not knowing about his father. Khushi also agrees with Arnav. Arnav says, we really feel if you tell Aarav about his father, then he will handle things in a better way. Khushi says, Aarav is understanding.. he will understand and now he has rights to know who is his father.. no matter who it is. Arnav also says, I am sure he will handle.

Break 1..

Sheetal says, when Aarav was young.. he wasn’t going to playground.. because everyone else’s dads were coming with them. So I set play area outside our home. I tried my best to be his mother and father as well…. but I failed.. I could never become his dad. And I know when Aarav finds out about his dad.. his problems will increase. Arnav says, I seriously feel that he will handle. Sheetal says, no I can’t tell about his father.. and my one decision will affect many people’s lives. I can’t spoil others lives for my happiness. Sheetal leaves from there.

It’s next day now. Everyone is in the living room. Aarav comes there with two shirts and seems very excited. He asks everyone which shirt should I wear? Everyone wonders what happened to him. Khushi tells him, wear the one you want. Aarav says, no please tell me na. Anjali tells him, wear the brown one. He says, good idea.. I was thinking for the same one.

Break 2..

Aarav now asks for Arnav and Aakash. Khushi tells him, they went to office. Nk asks him, why .. are you missing them? He says, kind of. He then tells Payal to make some nice food for him. Khushi gets shocked seeing his good behaviour. She goes to him and asks, tell me what’s going on in your mind? Aarav says, nothing. Khushi says, I don’t believe you. Aarav says, I am in good mood today because I am going somewhere. Khushi asks where? Before he says anything, Sheetal comes there with his school uniform and asks him to get ready. Aarav asks, why school uniform? Do you remember we have to go somewhere? Sheetal says, yes we will see that later but for now you get ready. Aarav is getting sad.. and says, you said we’re going to see dad. Khushi gets happy knowing that.

Episode ends.


Sheetal is on the phone with principal and tells her, I have sent money cheque with Aarav.. please collect it from him. She then says, what? Aarav didn’t come to school. Raizada family is shocked.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 376] 31st October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with the basketball match between boys team and girls team. Aarav has the ball and Manorama is trying to steal ball from him. Manorama cannot steal, so she pulls Aarav’s cheek. Nk disqualifies mamiji for touching Aarav. Manorama says, its time for my make up anyways and leaves the field. Sheetal tells her not to worry.. they will win only.

Game resumes. Arnav has the ball now and Sheetal is trying to steal it from him. Khushi is just blocking Aakash. Arnav and Sheetal come close and are about to clash. Khushi notices that and gets upset. Sheetal passes the ball to Khushi. Khushi is just blanked out and holding the ball. Aarav then steals the ball from Khushi’s hand and he throws it to the basket but it misses. Aarav gets disappointed, but then Arnav grabs the ball and sends it to the basket. Arnav tells Sheetal, you still got time.. you can just say your leg is injured and I will cancel the match. Sheetal doesn’t quit and says him, don’t fly too high otherwise when you fall down, it will hurt. Sheetal tells Khushi, let’s show them what we can do.

Khushi purposely puts her leg in Aakash’s way and falls down. She acts like as if she got hurt and tells Aakash, you did this purposely right? Aakash is trying to explain himself saying he didn’t do anything, but Nk doesn’t listen and disqualifies him. Khushi gets up. Arnav says to himself, she got up very fast. Aakash goes to other family members and tells them, Khushi cheated.

Game resumes and finally girls team get some points thanks to Sheetal. Arnav gets the points again and score is 3-1 now. Sheetal scores twice and score is tied at 3-3. All this time, Khushi is just standing on a side and warming up. Nk says, now last points will decide the winner. Khushi gets the ball in her hand.. she runs and makes the basket. She is dancing and celebrating already. Arnav says, it’s a foul. Khushi says, wht foul.. you’re just feeling bad. Nk comes and says, it’s a foul and you have to go out now. Arnav tells khushi to go and learn first. Sheetal tells Khushi, you’re not allowed to hold the ball and run. Khushi says, that Nk didn’t explain properly in the beginning that’s why. Sheetal tells her, don’t worry… I am enough for them (Arnav, Aarav). Khushi leaves the field.

Game resumes. Aarav has the ball and everyone is cheering for him, including Sheetal. This time to make Aarav makes the basket.. Arnav goes and carries him up. And Aarav makes the final and crucial points. Sheetal is very happy and carries him up. Whole family go there to join them except Khushi. Nk says, this is so beautiful.. losing team is happier than winning team. Manorama asks, you disqualified me for touching Aarav’s cheek and wht about this? Arnav carried him. Arnav says, we are in same team so it’s allowed. Nk says, final score is 4-3 which means boys team win. Arnav and Aarav high-fives and hugs each other. Khushi is just sitting far and watching them and getting upset. She walks away from there.

Back into the house, Khushi is talking with herself. She says, what was wrong in that? They must be getting happy as they won. Khushi is making jalebis and Sheetal comes there. Sheetal asks her, how can you make jalebis knowing Arnav can’t eat them? Khushi says, I know but.. Sheetal says, what are you trying to do? Make Arnav ill purposely? Arnav comes there. Sheetal says him, look darling she is making jalebis again.. one day you will die because of that. I will make salad for you. Khushi says to Arnav, I can make salad for you too. Arnav says, Sheetal is right.. leave from here. Khushi screams, NOOOOOO. She tells Arnav, you can’t do like this with me. She gets down and holds his legs and begs him. Arnav keeps saying, get out from here. Arnav, Sheetal, Aarav are laughing like evils and Khushi is begging Arnav not to remove her from this house. She now realizes that she was just day-dreaming and none of them are in the kitchen. It’s only a servant who is standing there who tells her to remove jalebis else they will get spoiled.

Everyone returns to home now. Nk tells Sheetal, you’re really an amazing player.. and you should try in professional team. Khushi is again standing far and watching them. Aakash says, seriously it was lots of fun. Arnav says, this is nothing.. you should have seen us in college time. He says, we even had a nickname but he can’t recall. Sheetal says, awesome-twosome. Arnav says, bang on.. and high-fives Sheetal. Aarav says, but now I am in team too so it’s awesome-threesome. Khushi as usual is feeling jealous and getting upset.

Break 1..

Nani now says, seeing Aarav.. it reminds me of Arnav’s childhood. Arnav asks where is Khushi and Khushi comes there and says, I am here only. Arnav asks her, where did you go? Manorama takes jalebis from Khushi’s hand and says, it’s time to eat some sweet on this happy occasion. She goes to Aarav and says, first the youngest member. Both Arnav and Sheetal shout NO together. Sheetal says, Aarav can’t eat this. Aarav asks her, why not? Sheetal says, because you don’t eat sweets. Arnav says, all big basketball players take care of what they eat and what not.. you want to become a big basketball player right? Aarav says, yes. Arnav says, so you will have to avoid jalebis and sweets. Aarav says, I want to become a good player like you… and big players also have to do homeworks which I have to do. Aarav leaves from there.

Anjali tells Arnav, now you know how to handle kids. Manorama says to him, now if you have your own kid then it will be easier.. in end practice makes people perfect.

Break 2..

In her room, Sheetal is looking at some photos. Khushi is passing by and notices that. She goes into the room and asks Sheetal, you’re sitting alone here? Sheetal hides photos and then puts them away. In that, she drops some of the photos on the floor. Khushi says, I am sorry.. I should have knocked the door. Sheetal says, not a problem. Khushi then asks, what was that? Sheetal says, nothing.. I mean nothing important. Khushi says, Aarav’s dad.. ? I have noticed.. whenever Aarav’s dad topic comes, you don’t feel comfortable. Sheetal says, Khushi please.. I have left all that behind. Sheetal leaves from there.

Khushi is also leaving, but then notices photos on the floor. She picks them up and sees, they are photos of Arnav and Sheetal playing basketball back in the college time. She says to herself, Sheetal was looking at the photos that means she hasn’t forgotten her past.

Episode ends.


Sheetal is scolding Aarav and says, how many times I have told you that… Aarav says, that I can’t ask about my father, but you only told me when we reach Delhi then you will introduce my dad to me. Then where is he? Khushi, Arnav, and Aakash are there and watching all this.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 375] 30th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Khushi rushing out of the teachers room. She says to herself, I had to make tea for all the teachers.. God knows what more I will have to do. She decides that she will find out Aarav’s father name today for sure.

Khushi then takes a mop in her hand.. and goes inside an office pretending as she is cleaning the floor. Someone is in the office there, Khushi tells him principal called you for tea. Guy gets excited and leaves from there. Khushi starts checking all the files as soon as he leaves. Some other teachers come in there now and Khushi hides. They play hide and seek and finally other teachers leave and Khushi is alone there once again. She continues checking the files and finally finds file which says, New Admission 2012 file. She finds Aarav’s form as well, but water has dropped on Aarav’s admission form and Khushi can’t read anything properly. Principal is shouting whose inside and in that Khushi drops her mustache.. she is about fall from the table, but Aarav comes inside the office and sees Khushi and saves her. Principal comes in now as well asking who is there. Khushi hides and Aarav puts Khushi’s mustache in his pocket. Aarav says, there was cat here. Principal tells Aarav, but you were supposed to be in class at this time. Aarav says, he wanted to pee. Principal leaves.

Khushi got impressed the way Aarav made excuses. She comes out now. Aarav asks her, what are you doing here? Khushi says, I came to see how you’re doing on first day. Aarav asks, in peon’s dress? and in head’s office? Looking at you, it seems like if you’re going to some fancy dress competition. Khushi says, exactly.. there is fancy dress competition in my area.. so I came here to see how I look in peon’s dress. Aarav says, whatever.. and tells Khushi, if anyone sees you like this then dont say you’re with me. He returns her mustache and leaves.

Khushi is disappointed as after trying so much.. all she found was wet paper. She comes home and says to herself, maybe Arnav was right.. I will have to remove this doubt from my mind.. at least until I don’t get DNA reports in my hand.

Aarav is looking at his drawings which got 2/10 and is disappointed. Sheetal comes there to cheer him up. She says, if you don’t come then I will have to play alone. Aarav gets excited knowing they will play basketball. Aarav asks Sheetal, you will let me win right? Arnav comes there now. Sheetal says, it’s hard because it’s impossible to beat me in basketball. Arnav says, really, then who was that who lost in college? Aarav gets up and tells Arnav, my mum can never lose. Sheetal asks Aarav to leave from there. But Aarav keeps asking her, you weren’t losing right? Sheetal tells him, I used to lose some times. Arnav laughs and says, Sheetal you used to lose everytime. Sheetal says, fine.. whatever you say.. and she leaves from there with Aarav. Khushi was listening all this and she gets excited.

She now throws a basketball to Arnav. Arnav asks, what is this? Khushi says, I know you’re very upset with me. Arnav asks, you throw basketball to whoever is upset with you? He says, I am not upset anymore.. Khushi says, I still want to make you happy. You love basketball right? so I have planned basketball game. Whole family is ready and comes out. Arnav tells Khushi, you didn’t have to do all this.

Sheetal is giving tips to Aarav and Nk gets impressed. Arnav says, giving tips and playing is different. Arnav and Sheetal argue that they never used to lose. Sheetal says to him, you were coming with boys team and was still used to lose. Arnav says, you were winning because I was letting you win. Khushi is getting nervous seeing them. Nk asks them to stop fighting and prove themselves by playing. Khushi says in her mind, I did all this to make Arnav happy and what’s all this happening? Sheetal says, I don’t need to prove myself. Arnav says, sure.. becuase of no practice you might have forgotten how to play. Aarav request Sheetal to play and prove that she’s champion. Sheetal agrees. Khushi says, I will also play.. but Arnav tells her no saying she will get hurt. Khushi hits herself on her head and says, why you had to bright basket ball.. you could just make halwa.

Break 1..

They are on the ground now. Arnav, Aarav, and Aakash are in boys team. Nk is referee. Nk is waiting for girls team. Khushi comes first with band on her head. Everyone is staring on Khushi’s side. She wonders, why everyone is staring.. is she looking that good. But shortly her happiness disappear as Sheetal comes out and it turns out that everyone is staring at Sheetal. Sheetal takes off her jacket and Nk nearly falls down on the ground. Khushi cannnot stop herself either and looks at Sheetal. 3rd person in girls team is Manorama mami. Rest Raizada family members are there to cheer.

Arnav says, are you guys kidding me? do you even know how to play basketball? Khushi asks him, are you scared? Arnav says, lets play. Nk tells rules to everyone.. that no one can run with ball.. they must pass. They are not allowed to hit anyone or hold anyone. He points at Sheetal and says, if you follow rules then you can win.

Break 2..

Aarav and Arnav high-fives. Sheetal-Khushi high-fives and they are ready to go. But before they begin.. Sheetal and Arnav argue once again that they will win. Arnav tells Sheetal, Ramu used to play better than you. Khushi steps up and asks Arnav, who was ramu? Arnav says, our old servant.

Nk tosses the ball up and game begins. Arnav makes the first points up for boys. Boys are dominating at the first. Aakash scores now.

Ball now comes to Khushi and she kicks the ball. Nk whistles and says it’s foul. Arnav says, you can’t kick the ball. Khushi asks, why not? Once I get the ball.. I can do whatever I want. Aakash says, this is basketball.. you can’t kick the ball. Khushi says, even God forgives for your fist mistake.. I deserve one more chance. Nk says, okay Khushi ji.. last chance. But from now if anyone makes foul then they will be disqualified.

Game resumes. Arnav has the ball in his hand and Sheetal is trying to steal it from him. Khushi doesn’t like what she is seeing.

Episode ends.


Aarav and Sheetal high-fives. Aarav hugs Arnav. Khushi is sitting alone at a distance and looking at them. She seems to be upset.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 374] 29th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav asking Khushi how can she do DNA test of him and Aarav. He is angry at Khushi. Khushi says, just like that. Arnav says, what do you mean just like that? You think Aarav is my son? Don’t you have faith in me? He then gives her envelope and asks her to open and remove doubt for forever from her mind that there is any relationship between Arnav and Aarav. Sheetal is watching all this from outside and she is hoping that Khushi doesn’t open it. Khushi is about to open but then she tears it. She apologizes to Arnav and says, I did a mistake.. and I promise you I won’t do anything like this again. Arnav says, I am telling you last time… I and Sheetal were just used to date. Arnav leaves from there in anger.

Khushi is thinking what she should do now. She then sees Aarav and says, even though he is not mad…. she decides that she should do something for him. She calls him but Aarav doesn’t respond as he’s busy with his drawing. Khushi goes to him and he gets mad.. he says, when someone doesnt respond that means he is busy. He leaves from there in anger as well. Khushi sees his drawings and says, these drawings clearly show how much Aarav is missing his dad. She goes to Aarav’s room and tells him to fight with her instead of getting upset with her. Aarav says, it’s okay. Khushi keeps talking but then decides not to otherwise it would make Aarav upset too. And it’s not good to upset two people on the same day. While Khushi is leaving, she sees Sheetal’s diary. One side of her says, you can read it.. other side says, you can’t read. She is confused whether to read it or no. In the end she decides to read. She begins to read and it says, today I met a guy in school who was rude but was nice as well. Khushi gets nervous thinking it might be Arnav. She reads more and it says, I went to watch movie and I liked that guy so much.. but I was not sure if he likes him. That evening was so beautiful that I wanted it to stay forever. He gave me flowers but I wasn’t sure if he loves me as much as I do. Diary only says, that guy that guy.. and doesn’t say any name.

She reads more.. today was a very special day.. today we came very close to each other.. that close that we were able to hear each others heartbeat. And then pages are removed from diary. Khushi is wondering how she will know if it was Arnav or someone else. Aarav comes out of the bathroom so Khushi leaves now.

Khushi comes to some store room to check Arnav’s school stuff, I guess. She hears Arnav’s voice, don’t you trust me? Khushi says, I trust you.. but this desperation won’t live me peace. She says to God, only you can help me.. just make me sure that Aranv and Sheetal weren’t together in 2006. She then sees a photo in which Arnav is with many girls. She starts imagining everyone holding a kid and saying, this is ASR ASR. She says to herself, stop thinking about all this. She then sees Arnav and Sheetal’s photo of 2006. She says to herself, Aarav is also 5 years.. isn’t it like how I am thinking?

Break 1..

Khushi says to herself, I got emotional and teared reports too. She calls hospital to check if they have another copy. They say, their computer is not working and it will take couple of days to get fixed. She now says to herself, they studied together.. that doesn’t mean Aarav is their son. But I just can’t stay like this.. I have to do something. She now goes to Aarav’s school to check father’s name on admission form.

Khushi is at Aarav’s school in peon’s dress with mustache. She clashes with principal but principal doesn’t notice her and leaves from there.

Break 2..

Khushi clashes with another peon who tells her to put the files there and go with him.. , He says, your job is to make tea.

Khushi serves tea to all teachers there. Everyone says, what a tea.. is there anything special today. Khushi says (in girls’ voice), why it wouldn’t be special.. I put special ilaychi (special masala) in it. She now realizes that she is in man’s dress and used her own voice. She quickly runs away from there. She comes outside and says to herself, I had to make tea for all teachers.. don’t know what more I will have to do. But if not now, then never.. I must find Aarav’s dad name today.

Episode ends.


Raizada family and Sheetal, Aarav are ready for some sports game. Sheetal and Arnav are arguing. Sheetal says, she was always winning. Arnav says, you were winning because I was letting you win. Khushi is getting nervous seeing all this.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 373] 26th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav and Khushi sleeping. Khushi is thinking how NK said you can do DNA test with a hair and then she tries to pull out one hair of Arnav. She succeeds in pulling one after couple of tries. Arnav wakes up and asks what happened? Khushi says, there was something in your hair. Arnav pulls her hand and asks her to sleep. Khushi loses hair.

It’s morning now. Anjali, Nani, Payal, and Mami are getting Aarav ready for the school. They change his shirt and then ask him to change pant. Aarav shouts, nooo. All ladies turn their faces away and then finally Aarav changes his pant. They put tie and coat on and he’s ready. They give him breakfast now. All are telling Aarav what to do and what not to at the school. Aarav is annoyed hearing their tips. Sheetal tells Aarav, someone is looking very handsome. Aarav goes, what the.. Sheetal gets emotional as for the first time, she seen Aarav getting love from so many people. Nani says, get used to it.. we are all with Aarav now. Mami asks Sheetal, why don’t you get married? Nk gets excited and says, good idea. Khushi is holding an oil bottole.. Nk asks her, why are you holding oil bottle? Khushi says, it’s oil massage time today. Your mind stay relaxed with this oil. Khushi then invites Arnav for oil massage, but Arnav refuses saying I don’t like all this. Khushi is thinking how to get Arnav’s hair and she says, at least let me take Aarav’s in the mean time.

Khushi now asks Aarav for the massage. Aarav also refuses saying, I have to go to school. Khushi says, but with oil.. you will be able to concentrate other. Aarav says, I don’t need to put oil to concentrate. Sheetal tells Aaravn, your school bus must be coming and then she goes to drop him.

Manorama asks Khushi to give her a massage saying she needs rest. Khushi has no choice but to say yes. She does a massage to her and Manorama falls to sleep and starts snoring. Khushi says to herself, I wanted to do something else.. and now I ended up doing something else. Don’t know why everything gets complicated. Nani calls Manorama for the breakfast. They are at dining table. Nk tells Khushi, there is a magic in your massage… with your massage Mami ji fell a sleep. Nani says, to make Mami sleep you don’t need to do any massage or anything. Mami says, I was tired getting Aarav ready that’s why.

Khushi is serving some food to Sheetal and Arnav tells Khushi not to give that to Sheetal because she has an allergy with it. Arnav tells Sheetal, remember I brought salad one day for you and you had problems with your throat for a week. Nk says, wow Nannav.. you remember that old stuff.. Arnav says, I knew since college time that Sheetal Kapoor has this allergy. Khushi asks Sheetal, your full name is Sheetal Kapoor, then why do you call Aarav ASR? Sheetal starts coughing.. Nk gives her water immediately. Sheetal says, I think I need to rest and leaves from there. Khushi says in her mind, she didn’t answer this time again.. I will have to do DNA test somehow. But I will have to wait for one whole day.. Aarav went school and Arnav will be going to office soon. Nk asks Khushi for gum.. Khushi says, there is only ghum (sadness) in Khushi’s life.

Khushi is chewing bubble gum and giving water to plants. She is thinking how to take out hair and then suddenly says, what a solution it is.. it will definitely work.

Aarav returns from the school and is carefully entering house so no one sees him. Arnav sees Aarav and asks him what are you doing? Aarav says, I am hiding from your family. Arnav says, excuse me.. why? Aarav says, whole day they keep touching my cheeks or make me eat or do my hair.. I am sorry.. but.. Arnav says, I understand.. come with me.

Arnav and Aarav are at the pool side and walking here and there together. They both are walking same exact way. Khushi is watching them and gets nervous. Aarav asks Arnav, doesn’t your wife talk too much? Arnav says, you will get used to slowly slowly.. Aarav now says, sometimes she behaves like a kid. Arnav agrees.. Khushi comes in and shouts, what did you say? Aarav tells Arnav, now her anger will be filmy too. Arnav says, look Khushi.. Khushi says, nahi (like a filmy way). Arnav tells Aarav, you were right. Khushi asks, what do you want? me to take insult all the time? Aarav says, we were just trying to make you understand. Khushi says, you think I am childish.. I am filmy.. I saved you from the kidnappers.. I did your admission in school and you’re calling me filmy? She then tells Arnav, I didn’t expect this from you. Arnav says, you’re not filmy at all.. Aarav says, and you don’t do drama at all. Khushi is walking away from there, but both Arnav and Aarav hold her dupatta and stops her.

They both apologize to her. Khushi says, if you both are really sorry then get on your knees. Both Arnav and Aarav say, what? together. They get on their knees and say, sorry, to Khushi. Khushi also gets down and hugs both together and says, I was just kidding. Khushi then purposely makes bubble of chewing gum and then tell them, I will remove right now. And this way she is able to pull out both Aarav and Arnav’s hair together.

Break 1..

Khushi leaves and Sheetal comes to the pool side. She tells Aarav, it’s time to sleep. Arnav says to Sheetal, I hope you both are comfortable here.. if you need anything then just tell me. Sheetal says, we are fine and it’s just for few days.. Arnav and Aarav then handshakes in an unique style. Arnav asks, what was that? Aarav says, mum taught me.. that means.. we are together in good and bad moments and we always will be together. Aarav and Sheetal leave. Khushi was hiding and listening all this. She is a bit nervous.

It’s morning now. Khushi is waiting for reports and there comes a courier man. Khushi takes envelope and going to her room. Anjali stops her and asks what is this? Khushi says, it’s just bank papers and leaves from there.

Break 2..

Khushi comes to her room. She says to herself, this paper can change my whole life. She is about to open it but then puts it away in a cupboard. She says, this can’t be true.. and takes out envelope again. She is about to open and this time Arnav comes there. She hides it again.. Arnav asks, are you fine? Khushi says, yes.. Arnav says, but you don’t seem fine.. are you sure? Khushi says, yes.

Arnav is leaving, but then sees Khushi hiding an envelope from mirror. He tells her, you’re hiding something from me. Khushi says, no.. Arnav says, excuse me.. I can see it.. Just give it to me. He takes envelope from her hand and sees that it is DNA report of Aarav and Arnav. He asks, you did DNA test of me and Aarav? Khushi tries to explain to him but Arnav pulls her hand back and he seems to be angry.

Episode ends.


Angry Arnav tells Khushi to open the report and remove doubt for forever from her mind that there is any relationship between him and Aarav. Khushi is not sure whether to see the report or no. And we see Sheetal’s face in mirror which means Sheetal is watching all this from outside.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 372] 25th October 2012 Written Update


The show begins with Khushi taking Arnav to silent place inside house, She says she wants to play staring game. Khushi stares Arnav's eyes, he too. She then begins Single Word game. She then plans to hypnotize him with some funny techniques, "Aap Ko Neend Aare Hai" by swining a ring on chain. She starts asking questions but it leads no where once again. After a while Arnav says he needs to sleep and goes to sleep carry Khushi in his arms.

Next morning Sheetal and Aarav comes home, NK welcomes her. They come inside and sit on sofa. Arnav comes and Sheetal says she wont stay much, she needs to go to Aarav's school for admission, It turns out its same school where Arnav studied. Khushi plans to tag along hoping to know about Aarav's father.

At school when Principal ask about Aarav's father Sheetal says he couldn't make it. Sheetal starts filling form, Khushi is eager to see what did she fill in Student's Father column. He leans forward to see, Sheetal notices Khushi makes excuse. Sheetal stuck on Father's Name row. Principal says Sheetal seems to have forgot to fill Father's name of Student.

Arrav says he needs to go to toilet. Khushi has to leave to take the boy to toilet. Meanwhile Sheetal says Aarav's father doesn't live them, she is single mother. Outside Khushi tries to get out truth from boy but he doesn't say much, only his mother thinks he is like his own father - Khadoos.

After chitchat and toilet, Khushi tries to peep in the room what Sheetal is writing in paper. But she falls, Sheetal and Principal comes out and ask what happened. Aarav tells whereever Khushi goes accidents happens. Principal says Aarav is admitted. Khushi makes excuse and says she needs to get her bag inside room and enters room.

Break 1..

After Khushi enters room, she sees file. Pricipal takes file and hands to peon. She ask Khushi is anything wrong? Khushi says she wanted to see how Form Looks for future. Arnav comes to school, as he completed his job soon. He meets Sheetal and Aarav outside the room. He is busy talking with Aarav. Khushi sees them and once again suspicious but confused how to find that out.

Break 2..

At home Anjali says it was nice of Arnav to go to school to help for admission. But Arnav says Aarav was already admitted before i reached. Manorama is reading paper, she tells about news in a paper where 2 babies were born on same day in a hospital now 2 parents are confused which one is their baby. NK says nowadays, its easy to find out through DNA Test. Khushi gets an idea all she need is hair sample of both Arnav and Aarav.

Episode ends.


Khushi tries to pluck out hair of Arnav while he was sleeping. Arnav wakes up and asks what's matter?

Credit: salmnsoeee.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 371] 24th October 2012 Written Update


The show begins with doc handing medicine for Aaray to Sheetal while Khushi is lost in her own suspicion. Flashback of what Manorama said and Doc saying daibetis is heriditery.

After they come out of doc Khushi ask Sheetal does she or Arrav’s father has daibetis ? Sheetal feels akward and she doesn’t answer. Sheetal says she should go to house and get Aarav back.

Arrav and Arnav is watcing the football game. Anjali and Akash sees them and says Nani doesn’t they look like Son-Father. Khushi and Sheetal reaches home. Sheetal tells Arrav has daibetis to everyone. Everyone is sad. Sheetal tells Arrav to bring bag to leave. Suddenly Sheetal’s mobile rings.

The landlord says Sheetal he wont be able to hand keys of new apartment today. Sheetal now has no place to stay. Khushi is in confusion whether she should stay here or not ? finally she ask Sheetal to stay there. Sheetal first refuses, then when whole family insists she agrees. She leaves to bring her luggage from hotel.

Arnav scolds Khushi why she asked Sheetal to stay. He explains her she was his ex-girlfriend. He goes to bedroom. Khushi follows him and tries to ask did he and Sheetal ever got intimate but cannot ask after asking here and there questions.

Break 1..

Khushi finds a perfect place to think properly. So she hides inside cupboard to think. All flashback of events where everything pointing Arnav is Aarav’s father.

Arnav searches for Khushi and finally finds she is inside cupboard as she is loud thinking. Khushi says she is cleaning cupboard. Arnav tells her to come out.

Break 2..

Khusi tells she will go to clean kitchen. Arnav tells her to watch tv and leaves. She watches TV where some anchor tells her how to know hidden secrets of your husband. Khushi is glued to Vashikaran technique which the anchor mentions in the show.

Episode ends.


NK tells Khushi in today’s time there is so many technology to find out father of the child. He say DNA test which can be done just with hair of child and father.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 370] 23rd October 2012 Written Update


Khushi is having a bad dream about what Arnav said and the similarities between Arav and Arnav. She is also recalling all the comments that the family made about the two, Khushi wakes up startled and starts pacing and stating its okay for Arnav to say it meant nothing, but she is not able to sleep properly now. She gets a tub of Channa and sits by the poolside and states that with the chota entry her life has turned upside down and asks for help from her devi maiyaa. Arnav wakes and sees she is not in bed and goes out and asks what the matter is and she is not making jalebis, she answers if she did the whole house would have woken up. He sits next to her and asks if she is wondering about Sheetal, he reiterates that Sheetal didn't mean anything. He tells her not to be like other wives, Khushi covers herself saying she was thinking about Bankilal.

Arnav questions who this Bankilal, she fakes it and tells Arnav of her past love and how he had a moustache and used to give her paan, Arnav is totally confused and imagines Khushi with this guy having paan. Khushi tries to state that it meant nothing to her, but it seems like it doesn't affect Arnav that she had someone in her life. Arnav kind of clocks on and then approaches Khushi and there is Rabba Ve moment between them, he goes to kiss her but Khushi imagines him trying the same with Sheetal and she slaps him telling him is he not emabarrassed, he tells her she is his wife and Khushi covers herself.

In the morning Khushi imagines Arnav and Sheetal together and shouts what is he doing and it seems Arnav is only fixing his collar, Khushi covers telling that that clothing does not look nice on him, Arnav explains all his clothes are the same so what does it matter.

Downstairs Anjali asks what the matter is, but Khushi covers herself, just then the door bell rings and its Sheetal, Khushi thinks she is imaging and tells Sheetal to go away thinking its her imagination, Nani then calls Sheetal in, Sheetal informs that she is here for the prescription, Nani invites her in but Sheetal is getting late, Arav is with her telling that to hurry up as he is hungry, Anjali states they must stay for breakfast, but Sheetal says no, Arnav to invites them and then Sheetal agrees. Arav states that he only wants Toast and Juice. Khushi goes to get the food. Khushi is shocked to see that both Arav and Anrav eat in the same manner. Arav states he doesn't want to go to the house as its dusty, Sheetal states that she cant leave him on his own, Nani invites Arav to stay there, Sheetal states Arav is only making excuses as his favourite team's match is on that he wants to watch. Arav states his favourite team is Brazil and seems like Arnav knows about the match, Arnav states he loves football. Khushi asks he never said, Arnav is glad he doesn't have meetings so he will stay at home and watch. Arav states that his mother thinks that football is pointless, Arav asks if he can watch and Arnav accepts.

Sheetal is apprehensive about leaving Arnav but everyone persuades Sheetal to let Arav stay. Khushi makes excuse about having a regular check up appointment so that she can spend some time with Sheetal.

At hospital Khushi reassures that Arav will be okay as he is probably like his father. Doctor states that Arav has diabetes, Sheetal states how is that possible, Khushi tries to reassure Sheetal. Doctor replies that it if father has it then there is a chance that the son will have it. Khushi wondering what she is thinking is right?


Khushi asking Sheetal to stay with them until they get their keys.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 369] 22nd October 2012 Written Update


Raizada women wondering where Arav went and find him drinking water, Nani stating that seems like he doesn’t want to trouble anyone. Doctor comes and Arav has a check up. He gets a injection out and the women are more worried about Aranv being afraid, but Arav just tells the doctor to hurry up like he is used to it. The doctor leaves and the little girls arrive for pooja, Arav enquires and Anjali informs them about the kanya punjan. Arnav is invited but he states that he doesn’t believe in all this, Anajli states that Arnav too thinks like this.

The girls ask him his name and state he is cute, this starts to annoy Arav. Khushi asks what he wants to eat, he doesn’t want anything, Khushi replies he will faint again and Arav whispers that he was better like that, he then states that he wants toast and juice and Khushi remembers how Arnav orders that as well. Arnav is impressed and shocked by Arav’s knowledge.

The women in the Raizada house start the pooja and Arav is reading the paper and looking annoyed at what is happening. Khushi brings Arav toast and juice. Mami states how Arav is like Arnav and even Nani and Payal states that they both have the same characteristics. Mami states that if Arnav ever had a kid then he would have been like that, Khushi is shocked hearing this. Sheetal comes and is worried about Arav, but he tells her not to overact. Sheetal thanks Khushi for taking care of Arav. Arav informs not to tell anyone that he fainted cause he is not weak. Arnav is amused hearing his reponse. Sheetal is offered tea but she refuses, then they notice that Arav is missing, Khushi notices that he is by the flowers that belong to Arnav. Arav gets one of the flowers and Arnav goes to him. Arnav tells him not to pluck it and Arav replies that the flower is dying, he explains what to do with the flower and that Arav does it too.

Anjali asks Sheetal about them attending college, Sheetal dismisses that they only had one class, Nani and family are adamant that Sheetal stay for coffee/tea. Sheetal calls Arav but they are both planting together, family are shocked seeing Arnav with a child working together. Sheetal is invited to stay for dinner, but Sheetal refuses to stay and states that they will come some other time. Arav and Sheetal take their leave.

Mami again states that with Arnav and Arav when they are together seem like father and daughter.

Arnav is with his plants and Khushi is looking at him deep in thought, she asks what he is doing and Arnav replies about the advice given Arav. Khushi states how Sheetal and him are both alike. Arnav states that they were seeing each other in college, Khushi misinterprets, he then explains that they used to date, he didn’t have many friends and they were good friends but after a while they realised it wasn’t love and they broke up.

Khushi asks why he didn’t tell her and he replies that it was nothing to talk about and he had forgotten. Khushi wants to know how many women were in his life before Lavanya and who they were. Arnav asks if she is sure and the he starts off the list and gives a lot of names, Khushi is shocked to hear all this and states that they were all his friends, he smiles and Khushi clocks that he was lying and starts hitting him stating she got scared, he holds her hands and stops her, he tells her that before meeting her he didn’t realise what love was. Khushi and Arnav have a hug.

Arnav tells her that Sheetal is a single mother as per her application and Khushi wonders about this.


Arnav and Khushi sitting by poolside and she is denying thinking about Sheetal and makes some other name up, Arnav asks who that person, Khushi replies that she too had a past.

Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 368] 19th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Nk waiting for Arnav and Khushi. He says, where did they go? Today Arnav forgot his phone at home as well and mind you, Arnav never forgets his phone at home. And Khushi is not picking up her phone. He wonders where can they go. And then says, did kidnappers kidnapped them to take reveng? Others come there. Anjali asks Nk, what revenge? Nk changes topic and says, revenge means I was thinking you guys love me so much so what should I give you back. Manorama says, for me one saaree, necklace. Nani says, take me to the temple every Monday. Khushi and Arnav return to home. Nk starts dancing and says, you don’t know how happy I am.

Anjali tells Arnav, Khushi.. Nk is getting extra emotional today and where did you two go? To eat ice cream again? Nani and Anjali laugh. Khushi says, Di we.. we.. Arnav says, we went for walk. Manorama says, it’s too much.. whenever you see.. honeymoon. Khushi gets shy and her and Arnav leave from there.

Khushi and Arnav are in their room now. Khushi is telling Arnav, what happened and how she fought with kidnappers. Arnav is just staring at her and smiling. Khushi asks him, why are you looking at me like this? Are you even listening to me? Arnav says, huh.. ya I was listening. He says, I have to admit.. you’re little filmy but very brave. Khushi asks, filmy? Arnav says, of course.. what do you think .. it was a good idea to take kidnappers car? and that too when you know so good driving? Kidnappers just kidnapped him for money, but if you had car accident then “you could have killed him”. Arnav is just kidding with her, but she gets a bit serious. Arnav says, forget it and leaves from there. Khushi then remembers how Jr. ASR also said same thing to her, that kidnappers just wanted money but “you could have killed me”. She says to herself, both names start with same letter and ends with same letter.. and their names got same number of letters. She goes, What the.. how come so many things of them are same to same?

It’s morning now. Khushi opens the curtains and Arnav wakes up. He says, good morning Khushi. Khushi says, today I am not Khushi.. I am a chef. She comes back in chef’s clothes and says, I am chef Khushi.. and here’s your breakfast. She tells Arnav to go and wash his hands. Arnav goes and comes back. Khushi makes him sit on the bed and then she sets up a table there on which she puts the breakfast. Arnav goes, ‘wow’.. seeing pan cake that Khushi made learning recipe from internet. She gives him spoons. Arnav says, but spoons are not needed. read full updates with pictures only at Khushi says, I know but in big restaurants.. they put things that you don’t need.. you eat it. Before he eats, she stops him again and puts a cloth on him like how they do in five-star hotels. Arnav makes her sit and says, five-stars chef are allowed to sit na? He offers her first bit but Khushi says, it’s my vrat (fast) today so I can’t eat. She says, all ladies in this house has fast and that’s why I brought breakfast here. If you eat in front of them, then they would get hungry too. Arnav is eating now and Khushi is looking at him. Arnav smiles and tells her, have some.. I won’t tell anyone. Khushi says, I can’t eat… Devi maa will feel so bad. She turns her face away until Arnav is done eating.

She give him tea now and then says, I have to make all special food today and there is pooja. Arnav says, then I should better leave from here. Khushi asks, why? Arnav says, don’t you remember what happened last time? And there is a flashback scene where kids came to their home and destroyed everything.

Khushi laughs and says, that time I used to scare from you so much right. Arnav says, and now? Khushi says, not anymore. Arnav looks in her eyes, and asks really? Khushi pinches his cheek and says, yes really. Arnav says, please don’t do such stuff.. I am not a kid anymore. Khushi says, then why do everyone call you chote? Both smile. Khushi tells him to get ready as they have to buy gifts for kids. She leaves.

Sheetal has came to some office for the job. One of the office staff says, we were just looking for someone like you but before you get the job, you have to talk with our boss. He’s in meeting right now.

On the other side, Khushi has came to a shop to buy gifts for kids. She is bargaining and Aarva comes there. He heard her voice and sees her. He says, oh no.. and starts leaving from there. Khushi sees him and stops him.

Khushi asks him, where is your mumma? Aarav says, mumma has gone for the interview and I am waiting for him. Khushi asks him, so which toy did you like? He says, I don’t like toys. Khushi says, but all kids like toys then why not you? Aarav says, because all kids like them and I am not a kid. Khushi says, I know that.. you’re not kid.. you’re chote. Aarav asks, can I go? Khushi says, no.. your mumma told you to wait here right? Then help me in buying toys. Aarav asks, what? you play with toys? Khushi says, no.. it’s for someone else. She asks, which toys 10 years old girls like? Aarav says, how would I know? Khushi then sees a doll and asks him if she should buy it? He says, no and shows her.. gun toys. Khushi says, not at all and puts it away. Khushi shows him more toys.. but he says all are very bad. Khushi asks, why? He says, because I told you na I don’t like toys. Khushi says, do you know.. you’re very strange. Aarav says, I am not strange.. those girls are strange.. who play with toys.. who make them eat.. put clothes on, as if they are not toys.. they are human beings.

Sheetal enters the boss’ office. And it’s none other than Arnav. He asks, Sheetal.. you here? Sheetal says, actually I came here for designing position. Arnav says, you were interested in designing in the college too.. I had no idea.. you would become a designer. They sit down. Arnav asks so how is your son? She says, he’s good.

Break 1..

Khushi is done shopping now. She tells Aarav.. so let’s eat something now. Aarav says, I am not hungry. She says, that’s what I don’t like.. you’re a kid so talk like one. It seems like you’re throwing rocks from your mouth. And what is this? Why angry face all the time? Smile little.. talk little.. this world is not that bad. Khushi then keeps going on.. that I know we girls are different and we talk extra… She’s busy in talking and on the other side, Aarav is getting dizzy. Khushi finally notices that and asks to herself, did he got unconscious from my talks? now what shall I do?

In the office, Sheetal shows her designs to Arnav.. and he’s impressed. He says, this job can easily be yours. Sheetal says, sorry Arnav.. I can’t do this job. Arnav asks why? She says, I just can’t do it. Arnav says, I am so sorry.. I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.

Break 2..

Arnav’s phone is ringing. Sheeta says to Arnav, your wife’s call. Arnav picks up the phone and Sheetal is leaving from there. Arnav says, what? Aarav is unconscious? Sheetal hears that and gets worried. Arnav asks Khushi, where did you meet him? Khushi says, I met him in a store.. you please call and tell Sheetal. Arnav says, Sheetal is right here.. I am taking her to our home. Sheetal says, I left Aarav alone.. I am a bad mother. Arnav says to her, relax. .. they are at my home.. I am taking you there. They leave.

Aarav is at Raizada house and he finally opens his eyes. Whole Raizada family is gathered there. He sees everyone’s faces and gets up all of a sudden. Manorama asks, why did you get up like that? We are not ghosts. Manorama asks Khushi where did you find him? Khushi says, he’s Arnav’s friend’s son and I met him on that day…… she stops and then says, when we went to ice cream.. we met them. Nani tells Aarav not to scare or worry. Aarav says, it’s okay.. now I am fine and I am leaving. Khushi stops him and says, you’re not going anywhere. And how you’re fine? You got unconscious.. and I have called doctor. You rest here. Aarav asks, doctor for what? I am going to my mum. Khushi says, I have informed your mother that you’re here.. she would be coming here. Khushi says, I think we should make Aarav eat something. Aarav is getting up and leaving but Anjali stops this time and asks for soup. He again gets up but this time Nani stops him and asks what about khichdi? Payal says, milk.. While they deciding.. Aarav quiet leaves from there. Everyone wonders where he went.

Episode ends.



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 367] 18th October 2012 Written Update


The new lady shouting at Khushi thinking she tried to kidnap her son, Arnav intervenes and tries to explain, both look at each other and recognise each other, Arnav seems happy seeing the woman, and Khushi asks if Arnav knows her, Arnav states he used to be in college with Sheetal, Sheetal seemed shocked to know Arnav is married, Khushi explains that she was saving her son. Sheetal apologises but Khushi says it is okay. Arnav wants to catch up but Sheetal seems a bit dismissive, Khushi informs Arnav that his suit was exchanged with Arav. Anrav hassmall talk with the child and Arav enquires if Khushi is always like this, Arnav laughes and Arav says she is sweet. Sheetal leaves and Khushi states how nice it is to meet friends after a long time, Arnav drags Khushi to the car and asks if he is faking it, Arnav asks why she always meddles in other people's matters and they have a small argument on this matter. She tries to explain that she was trying to save the kid, Arnav has a go at her that whenever she tries to help anyone it all goes wrong.

NK looks apprehensive and is glad when he sees Arnav and Khushi, he states that he is so happy to them, Anjali enquires he only saw them a while ago, NK tries to cover his statement. Mami states it seems love fever is in the air, Arnav explains Khushi wanted to have ice cream. Mami then teases Arnav. Anjali asks if he is okay, he tells him to go and make it up to Khushi.

Khushi is putting clothes away and Arnav tries talking to her but she ignores him. He sits down and asks for a file, but she answers that from now on she will not help anyone and will only think of herself, Arnav thinks he might have said too much.

Khushi in the kitchen making Jalebi and Payal and Anjali wonder what the matter is, Anajli asks what they should make, something nice for Arnav. She replies that it doesn't matter and there is no point in helping people as its not appreciated. Arnav comes in and asks Khushi about his clothes and Khushi says she doesn't know and from now on she wont keep an eye on any of his things. She bites a hit jalebi and scolds herself, Arnav gives her water and she tells him not to touch her, he states that what she will do and has her hand in a hold, she tells him to let her go but he doesn't. He tells her that when he holds her and stares at her she looses herself, Khushi denies it and he challenges her, she looks at him cross eyed and tells him to let her go.

Khushi threatens to call everyone but falters. Arnav tells her the list has ended what else will she do, she states that she will feed Anrav Jalebis and is able to get out of his hold.

Khushi watering the plants and Arnav comes and states so now she wont let him touch, she starts singing and threatening Arnav not to come close to her. As Khushi is walking Arnav grabs onto her pallu and takes it, Khushi wants it back, she covers her face with it, and she demands to be let go and he replies that he is her husband and can do anything.

Arnav puts Khushi in the car and drives off she is protesting but he doesn't listen. He threatens if she tries to open the blindfold he will bind her arms. Khushi asks if he is kidnapping her, he tells her to be quiet. There is a officer and she complains to the officer about Arnav, Officer tells Arnav that they can go and he doesn't want to get in between husband wife fight.

Arnav has taken Khushi to the secret garden. Arnav wants to speak to Khushi but she doesn't want to listen. He states what if he forces to make her listen and there is no one around. Khushi states if he does she wont speak to him, he challenges her that she cant keep quiet for more then 5 minutes. She accepts the challenge.

Khushi looses and states that she cant keep quiet and she states that it seems like there is no one else in the world but her. Arnav holds her and quiets her. He puts his head down in front of her, she tells him he doesn't need to do that, and he states that can because its her and she deserves it. He tells her she is mad, Khushi asks if that's why he is doing it, he explains there is no one like her and her selfless behaviour, he knows she is so much better then her and special. They have a rabba ve moment and he bows to her again, she stops him and shakes her head and hugs him, she tells him its strange he said all this and she didn't reply and tells him that he shouldn't say filmy dialogue its doesn't suit him. Arnav apologises for his behaviour but Khushi lets it go, she promises she will not go that easily and will be with him. Arnav tells her to call the police next time and they hug.



Credit: Illyria

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 366] 17th October 2012 Written Update


*ASR is not our Arnav but the kid Khushi had met at the tailors. Thought I'd clarify this before we start.*

The episode starts with Khushi walking in a daze towards the car. She sits in and remembers the kid ASR from the tailors shop. Arnav asks her what is wrong to which she says that she met his smaller version who spoke exactly like him and has the same name too but is smaller in size. Arnav doesn't get what she is saying. Khushi then says she met this little kid who was very mean and even told her that this suit is very old fashioned. Arnav in his own world looking at the suit says that it is old fashioned and then corrects himself and says that he likes it a lot.

Everyone is sitting watching the TV when Arnav walks down the staircase wearing the new suit that Khushi got for him. NK asks him why he is wearing such an expensive suit for vegetable shopping. Arnav tells him that it's him and Khushi going for shopping whereas Arnav is going for work. Khushi gets very excited thinking about going to buy fresh vegetables. NK and Khushi are about to walk out when they hear a lady on the news say that there have been very frequent kidnappings of children in the markets. Nani then starts saying that there has been a higher rate of crime in India than ever before. Mami chimes in and says that the police always get late to the event when they are called. Khushi tells them then that it is not true and that police tends to stop a lot of crime but the public doesn't find out about that because Policemen remain quiet about it. Khushi further says that India is better than all the other countries because every nation has good and bad side by side. She then starts naming all the heros of India and tells their work. NK says that such great heroes aren't found anymore to which Khushi says that she is a proud Indian Citizen to which Arnav mumbles something in regards to Khushi being very patriotic. Khushi asks what he said and he replies that she had to buy vegetables. Khushi then tells NK to stop talking and they need to leave. NK gets scaared and says that there are terrorists outside and he can't go out. Anjali tells him that there is Khushi with him and she refers to Khushi as the "gabroo jawaan." Khushi nods and smiles widely and the two walk away.

Khushi and NK are in the open market where NK is really scared looking around and behind him a man is staring at Khushi and him. Khushi on the other hand is busy buying vegetables. NK suddenly starts yelling when the guy comes towards him. Khushi tells him to calm down and drink some lemonade. NK says that he'll put the vegetables bag in the car and be back. Khushi starts conversing with the vegetable guy and tells him that NK is her devar who is here from Sydney but she doesn't know how to tell him not to be scared of random people. Khushi is telling the vegetable guy about how the kidnappings are happening lately and she sees a kid being kidnapped. She starts screaming about "kidnap! kidnap!" but nobody moves forward. She runs towards the two goons and tells them to let the kid out, the kid comes out from the other door and hides behind Khushi. The goons start telling Khushi to let the kid go otherwise she'll be in trouble too. Khushi says that if they have the courage, they should try touching the kid. Khushi starts moving backwards and the goons are moving towards her. She picks up a vegetable and starts hitting the goons. Then she sees that the kid is none other than the tailor's ASR. He yells at her to run. The two run and sit in the car. Khushi starts driving the car and takes it on the main road with NK wondering what Khushi is doing. He calls Khushi and she is about to pick the phone up but ASR stops her and she gives the phone to him, she swerves the car and ASR throws the phone out by mistake. NK on the other hand calls Arnav and tells him that Khushi sat in someone elses car and took it away. The vegetable guy starts telling the story to NK who relays it to Arnav. Arnav then asks whether Khushi was driving the car to which NK says yes. Arnav gets nervous and NK asks why is he so nervous to which Arnav says that he isn't sure if Khushi can drive. Arnav tells NK to go home and not tell anyone what happened and he'll find Khushi.

Khushi and ASR are in the car and he keeps yelling at Khushi to not look behind whereas Arnav is following them and honking the horn to tell Khushi to stop the car. Arnav is in the car and he is getting angry and mumbles to himself whether Khushi will ever stop interfering in another people's matters. 

Khushi finally stops the car and ASR tells her that it's on the wrong side, Khushi turns to him and tells him that is very ill-mannered and that he should be thanking her. ASR tells her that she had wanted to kill him whereas the goons would have only asked for a ransom. Khushi looks behind again and she sees that it's Arnav. She gets out of the car and goes towards him whereas ASR's mother comes towards her too. The kid's name is Arrav. Arnav on the other hand is pretty mad at Khushi for interfering. The mother of ASR comes towards Khushi and accuses her of kidnapping her child. Arnav then comes from behind and says that she had only been trying to save her child's life and at least she should listen to Khushi once before accusing her. The mother turns and BAAAMM the two know each other. Music is played and the episode ends on Arnav's surprised face. 



Credit: Saraa

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [Episode 365] 16th October 2012 Written Update


Episode starts with Arnav asking Khushi, what is all this? Why are you doing all this? My client sent that cake. Khushi says, I know Arnav ji.. but you said you don’t want to celebrate your birthday. Arnav says, I know and I have heard this thousands of times since morning that I don’t want to celebrate my birthday, but you could wish me at least once as you’re my wife. I don’t want any birthday party, but after marriage.. this is my first birthday so I can at least expect to spend some time with you.. but you just sticking on one thing.

Khushi says, yes because you said that.. and I can’t go against what you say. You said no wishes, no party.. and now when all that is happening, then why are you getting upset? What do you think that I don’t want to celebrate your birthday? From food to guest list.. everything was ready. I had planned so much but I let that all go so everything happens the way you want. She then says, I changed myself so much for you Arnav ji.. and you can’t even spend some of your happy moments with me? Arnav is just staring at Khushi. Khushi goes on, maybe I just expect too much from you. She leaves now.

Everyone is at dining table and Khushi comes there now. She’s serving food to everyone and seems very sad. She goes in kitchen to get food. Manorama tells everyone.. we did what Khushi said us to do.. which is not to wish Arnav.. then why is she still upset? Anjali says, I think all went wrong that Khushi planned. Nani says, there’s still time.. we should with Arnav. He must be thinking why no one wished him. And Arnav comes there now. As soon as he comes, everyone wishes him happy birthday. Khushi comes back and sees everyone wishing him, but she’s still quiet. Arnav looks at her and hopes she also wishes him. Nani then asks Khushi to sit down with them and have dinner as well, but Khushi says that she is not hungry and again she goes back to the kitchen. Nani then tells Arnav, what you did wasn’t right.. she had planned so much for you.. but she couldn’t do anything because of you.. and then you got angry at her. Arnav gets up and leaves from there.

Arnav is standing alone at the pool side. Aakash comes there and says, so..fight between you two? He then asks, These girls are so strange right? I mean.. they remember everything.. when we met first time.. when what happened.. and then celebrate all those days with them. He then says, actually this is the way of them saying how much they love to us.. sometimes it’s too much.. but if these girls didn’t love us then we guys are nothing Without them… He then says, you would have understood what I am trying to say. Arnav says, I know Aakash.. and then he says to him.. I am not good at all these situations.. what should I do? Aakash says, you know better than me what you should do and he leaves from there. Arnav is thinking and thinking…

Someone is cooking in kitchen and making all Khushi’s favorite dishes (I believe). It’s none other than Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.. he’s in a chef dress. He struggles but still is trying to cook. Everyone except Khushi is hiding and watching him. Arnav is reading the recipe book now and is frying something. No one can believe this.. oil goes on Arnav’s face and Anjali rushes to go and help him. But Aakash stops her saying this is between husband and wife.. let bhai do what he wants. Arnav now keeps himself far from oil and continues.. Nani is smiling looking at all this. He’s finally done cooking.

Khushi is standing alone in their room and Arnav comes there with food that he cooked. Khushi asks what is this? Arnav says, I was upset today so I did what you do when you get upset. Khushi says, when I am upset.. I make jalebis,, and how would you make jalebis? Arnav is all quiet. Khushi .. in a shock..asks him, you made jalebis? Arnav then shows her what he made.. Khushi laughs and asks is this jalebi? It’s very good.

Khushi then sets up a candle beside jalebies and asks Arnav to wish something and then blow candles. Arnav closes his eyes and wishes something and then blows the candle. Khushi claps and sings ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Arnav then makes her eat jalebi.. Khushi says, it’s very good and then she is about to make him eat.. but then says you can’t eat this na. Arnav says, little bit is fine and then he takes one bite. He then goes.. this is so bad.. how can you eat this? Khushi says, you made it that’s why.. Arnav then remembers how he also said samething before when Khushi made puri halwa.

Arnav now apologizes to Khushi and says, I shouldn’t have done what I did today. Khushi holds his hand.. and says.. not a problem. Arnav says, I promise that you can do whatever you want for my next birthday. I won’t say anything. Khushi says, and my birthday? Arnav says.. I will.. I will wish you. Khushi hugs him and says, I don’t like this at all when we fight like this.. Arnav says, I don’t like it either.. I have to make jalebis then which come out to be terrible. Khushi says, and I have to eat them. They both laugh.

Arnav now asks, you brought my gift or forgot? Khushi says, how can I forget.. remember I told you… you get better result when you wait. She goes and gets the gift. Arnav is trying to open it. Khushi asks him to hurry up.. and then she says, you go and wear this.. I want to see you in this. She pushes Arnav to go.

Arnav shouts from inside, “Khushi I don’t think this will fit to me”. Khushi asks, is this tight or lose? Arnav says.. tight. Khushi says, not a problem.. I can make it a bit lose, but you first wear it and come outside. Arnav says, I won’t be able to wear it. Khushi says, at least try a bit. Or come outside and I will help you. Arnav comes outside with a suit. She says, how is this possible? I took your measurements yesterday. Arnav then remembers how she was doing her sweet talks and measured everything. He asks so what should we do with this? Khushi says, will return to a tailor. She’s angry at tailor. Arnav asks her, aren’t you forgetting something? Khushi kisses him on his cheek and wishes him happy birthday.

Break 1..

Arnav now kisses on her cheek and says, you were right.. it’s better result when you wait. Both smile. Arnav now carries her and takes her to the bed.

It’s morning now and Khushi is at tailor’s place. She’s angry at him. She says, you ate my cloth piece and sent me this small suit. I gave you measurements of a fit person and you sent me a small child’s suit…aren’t you ashamed? Tailor asks, don’t know.. how we did this mistake. He then asks on whose name this suit was? Khushi says, Arnav Singh Raizada.. ASR. Someone there says, yes. Khushi asks, who said yes? She looks around and sees a kid… dressed just like Arnav and anger on his face. He goes, excuse me? You called me? Khushi says, nahi beta (son) .. I said ASR. He says, that’s what my name is.. ASR. Both are staring at each other.

Break 2..

Khushi looks at tailor. Kid, in angry tone, tells tailor.. you sent me wrong suit. Tailor says, I see.. suits are changed.. because of same names that’s why all this mess. Khushi says, I told you for home delivery.. but at least he (kid) should have checked it when picking it up. Khushi now asks kid, where is your mum? He says, why you want to talk with my mum? Khushi says, your mum by mistakely picked up wrong suit.. Kid goes.. I myself picked up this suit, and that too after you received yours. Mistake is not mine.. mistake can never be mine. You should have checked as soon as you got your suit, and should have told him. Khushi is shocked looking at his behaviour.

Tailor apologizes to the kid. Kid goes on and says to Khushi.. because of you .. I got wrong suit and I don’t wear such old fashioned clothes. Khushi says, really? then why didn’t you check your packet? Kid gets angry and walks toward Khushi. He says, because I was busy!!!! Khushi is in a shock. Kid tells to tailor.. next time.. there shouldn’t be any mistake.

Khushi asks, what do you mean that you were busy? What do you think.. I am free here? She points her finger at him and says, look kid.. Before she says anything.. the kid puts her finger down and says, shut. He says, I am not a kid.. I am ASR! He takes suit package from Khushi’s hand and leaves from there.

Episode ends with Khushi asking herself.. is this in real or just a dream.


Arnav is waiting outside, in a car. Khushi sits in the car and seems confused. Arnav asks her what happened? She says, I just came meeting you… meaning your name.. your attitude but small in size. Arnav is confused now and asks what are you saying? Khushi says, I just met a kid in store.. who is just like you. And his name is also ASR and that’s why suits got changed.