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Australia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Australia etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

Great Barrier Reef - A Natural Wonder of the World

The natural wonder of the world Great Barrier Reef is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World, and the sole living thing on the planet noticeable from space. It is the major coral reef in the world, to be found equivalent to the coast of Queensland. This astonishing and awesome marvel of the contemporary period consists of, billions upon billions of alive coral growth, which are in reality minuscule organisms. The Great Barrier Reef is world's most busy marine life haven owing to its varied populace of living things. The Great Barrier Reef is of such immaculate and spotless condition that it was programmed by the World Heritage Trust as a sheltered location and that is why it is supervised and handled by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Organization which guards the region from a lot of human and ecological subjects to make certain that its beauty is preserved for many generations to follow.

The damp Tropics World Heritage scheduled Rainforest on one side and the Great Barrier Reef on the other which makes it an ideal place. There is no substitute on this earth which provides such miscellaneous attraction situated in such close immediacy. The visitor can discover the ample blend of abundant untouched beauty of the Daintree Rainforest aground and the maritime marvels of the Great Barrier Reef offshore.

The Great Barrier Reef is dotted with approximately 900 islands of dissimilar dimensions that sustain a diversity of flora, fauna and bird existence. The bigger islands have been transformed into holiday or vacation spots. There are a lot of well-appointed and lavish resorts that have come up on this island that presents first class contemporary amenities. This has augmented the amount of visitor that throng to this island to have a view of this natural wonder. It also allures a big number of divers and snorkelers who are enthusiastic to see the sights this enormous underwater wonderland offers and that haven a network of marine creatures. The water sports fanatics can take pleasure in an immense range of water tricks because of the degree and diversity of the reef. If you are not interested to dive, they can stretch out in the sun for a tan or, do a bit of fishing or just unwind and take in the attractiveness of the ambiance.

It is recommended to put Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef on your visiting list to treasure memories of a life time.

The Great Barrier Reef's Most Dangerous Creatures

We all know that the Great Barrier Reef is known for many things. Its the largest living organism in the planet, it has 900 islands, it is composed of 2,900 individual reefs, it has some of the best diving spots in the world.

The Great Barrier Reef is home to many sea creatures as well which is why before you venture into the water to wade, swim, snorkel, or dive know that beautiful aquatic animals coexist with the most dangerous animals in the reef. Knowing or becoming familiar with these animals will help you understand why there is a need to follow danger signs and the "no touch" policy.


The Box Jellyfish which is also called Sea Wasp is one of the most deadly animals in the planet which can be found near the shores of the reef. Its toxin which can be found on its long tentacles is so strong that very few survive its sting. When someone is stung, vinegar or peeing on the spot will somehow reduce pain but should not replace medical assistance.

The next deadly stinger is the Irukandji Jellyfish which can be found at the deeper waters of the northern portions of the Great Barrier Reef but due to currents may be swept to shore. It might be small, just a few centimeter but its poison also packs a punch in that being stung can be life threatening.

There are stinging fish as well such as the Stonefish and Lionfish. Their spiny fins are toxic so avoid getting punctured as this is the way the venom is introduced into the body.

The next in our short list is the Blue Ringed Octopus so called because of the blue rings on its body is a small and the only poisonous octopus in the whole planet. You can find it on rock pools and when you try to pick it up, it will bite you with its sharp beak.

Second from the last is the Sting Rays which are really beautiful and graceful creatures but be careful with their tails that where the barbed spine is.

If you thought shells are safe think again. The are many species of Cone Shells in the Great Barrier Reef and they are found on rock pools which is why it's easy to step on them. If they feel threatened they would fire a harpoon-like dart on you that has a venom powerful enough to kill a human.


Sea snakes may be venomous but they rarely waste their toxin on something they can't eat and most of their bites are purely for self defense. You're relatively safe if you don't annoy them.
Bites by Sharks, Moray Eels, and others may be uncommon but if you are on a shark feeding dive it's best to follow instructions from the dive master.

Safety Precautions

Never ever touch anything no matter how beautiful or inviting. Teach your kids this motto because they are more likely to pick lovely but poisonous shells.

When you need to rest at the bottom of the ocean when diving shuffle the sand first with your fins to give sting rays or other creature which might be hiding in the sand, a chance to go away.
At the Great Barrier Reef there are reef education sessions before you go snorkeling or diving put them to mind lastly, always listen to your dive masters and always follow danger signs.

Ningaloo Reef - Western Australia

Located within the Ningaloo Marine Park is Ningaloo Reef. The Marine Park covers an area of ocean 260kms long and 20kms wide, covering 5,000 sq kms, starting at Emherst Point near Coral Bay, up to Bendegi Beach near Exmouth. Being one of the largest fringing reefs in the world allows for fantastic access to many stunning spots to explore only a short distance from the beach.

A good place to base yourself while exploring Ningaloo Reef is Exmouth, around 1,300 kms north of Perth and at the northern end of the reef. The climate at Exmouth is nice year round, with no wet season, and summer maximum temperatures averaging 37 degrees Celsius, and winter maximum average temperature is 24 degrees Celsius. Exmouth has many tour options available for exploring the reef, from coral viewing to snorkelling, whale watching and scuba diving. There are also many tour operators that operate out of Exmouth if fishing is your game, including big game fishing.

The Ningaloo Marine Park is home to more than 500 species of fish and 250 species of Coral. Between March and June each year and measuring up to 18 metres in length, the massive Whale Sharks come into the reef to feed on the plankton. Between May and October the Humpback Whales can be spotted within the reef as they migrate to their breeding grounds, and all year round lookout for the dolphins and turtles as they swim through the water. For the snorkelers and divers, if you time your visit right then approximately 10 to 12 days after the full moon during March and April you may witness something truly spectacular as the coral spawns.

There are many beautiful beaches along the Marine Park where you can relax and enjoy the sunshine, and for people with a 4WD then there are plenty of tracks you can explore a little further and find that excluded beach. For snorkelling try Lakeside, Turquoise Bay, Turquoise Bay Drift Snorkel and Oyster Stacks. If you are after nice swimming beaches, try Coral Bay, Turquoise Bay and Bundegi Beach. As always, take extreme care when swimming in the beaches. Contact the Exmouth Visitor Centre and they will point you in the right direction and give you advice on tours etc.

Marine Turtles at Coral Bay, Ningaloo Reef

Ningaloo Reef is one of the world's major breeding areas for sea turtles. During the breeding season, between November and February, you can book a tour to see the Green, Loggerhead and Hawksbill turtles (three of the world's seven marine turtle species) come ashore to lay their eggs or to see the hatchlings rushing back to the sea.

The nesting is becoming increasingly popular as a nature-based tourism experience in Coral Bay. 

Foxes are the single biggest predator of the turtle nests where in some instances they are digging up to 60 percent of the nest to eat the eggs. They also prey on hatchlings as they emerge from the sand.

Baiting is carried out at strategic locations along the coastal strip to protect the major turtle nesting sites. Other threats include over-harvesting of turtles and eggs, predation of hatchlings by birds, feral pigs, dogs and goannas, pollution and changes to important habitats, especially nesting beaches. Four-wheel drives are another threat to the turtles because the tyre grooves they leave behind can create trenches that the hatchlings fall into, preventing them reaching the sea.

The effectiveness of conservation operations can be increased if people are more aware of the impact their activities can have on the turtles.

Turtles need the beach

Marine turtles have lived in the oceans for more than 100 million years. They are an integral part of the traditional culture of many indigenous peoples throughout the world. Even though they spend much of their lives drifting and feeding in the open ocean, the beach is an important nesting habitat for turtles.

Turtles live for years in one place before they are ready to make the long breeding migration of up to 3,000 kilometres from their feeding grounds to nesting beaches. Courtship and mating take place in shallow waters near the nesting beach. Females often mate with more than one male. After mating, the males return to the feeding grounds. They have a large shell called a carapace, four strong, paddle-like flippers and like all reptiles, lungs for breathing air. The characteristic beak-like mouth is used to shear or crush food.

Marine Turtles of the Ningaloo Reef

Turtles tagged in the Ningaloo Reef area, have been recorded off the coast of Java, in Indonesia, within the Gulf of Carpentaria Reef and the Lacepede Islands. It is important for the conservation of marine turtles in the Ningaloo Region to help contribute to marine turtle global conservation. Marine turtles are under immense pressure from a range of activities including illegal trade and harvest; unsustainable harvest; some forms of commercial fishing such as trawling and long-lining; and loss of habitat such as seagrass beds, coral reef ecosystems and intact coastlines. In the Ningaloo regions specifically, marine turtles face the following pressures:
o Fox predation
o Inappropriate recreational and tourism
o Activities such as disturbance and four-wheel driving on nesting beaches
o Boat strikes
o Specific fishing practices, such as long lining
o Pollution from developments both marine and land based

This page not only has a lot of information about marine turtles, but check out the other related topics including:
o Life-cycle of Marine Turtles
o Green Turtles
o Loggerhead Turtles
o Hawksbill Turtles

Green Island, a Different Style Great Barrier Reef Island

Green Island, a beautiful coral Cay on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, is easily identified from the air by it's emerald rainforest, white sandy beaches and coral reefs. It is one of 300 sand cays on the reef, but the only one with a rainforest. A true coral cay, it is said to be 6000 years old, has about 37 acres and takes about 45 minutes to walk around.

Home to over 120 species of colorful birds, native plants, marine life and the coral gardens, it is worth spending a few days to explore. While full and half day tours can be taken from Cairns, staying on Green Island offers a chance to see so much more, it is one of the most eco-sensitive developments on the reef.

There are only 46 luxurious suites, which are situated in the rainforest, secluded from the day visitors, and having two types of accommodations - Reef Suites set in clusters under the rain canopy but near central facilities; and Island suites with inter-connecting or adjoining rooms, also in the same location. There are also disabled room facilities close to the restaurants and reception area.

Once on the island, guests will discover many, included activities, glass-bottom boat tours, snorkeling, guided night walking tours, entry to the oldest underwater observatory, windsurfers, and canoes to explore on ones own. Because this is an island that caters to day visitors who make up most of their visitor list, there are many activities offered and overnight guests benefit from being able to use all the activities available, including parasailing, seawalking helmit diving, visit to the crocodile habitat and diving trips with instructions for the novice, just to mention a few.

While not have a large varity of dining options, both day visitors and island guests will enjoy the casual and outdoor grill which serves burgers and other Grill specialities, along with a daily barbecue lunch. In the Emerald restaurant, which always has local produce on their menu, and guests can enjoy the tropical cuisine either on the outdoor terrace or in the air-conditioned dining room, andfor those guests staying overnight, a sumptous seafood dinner on the beach while watch the sun go down is the end to a perfect day.

As one of the world's most eco-sensitive tourism developments, all resort infrstructures and building were done with minimal vegetation clearance and in many instances the structures were built around the trees. No buildings extend above the tree canopy and the majority of the buildings have no gutters, allowing the rainfall to replinish the moisture needed to support the vegetation. The island is wheelchair accessibile throughout the reception area, restaurants, pools, nature walks, beaches and in the accommodations for those staying overnight.

Whale Sharks at Ningaloo Reef

A whale shark is the worlds biggest species of fish and you have the opportunity to snorkel with them. Every year from April to July the whale sharks come to Ningaloo Reef at Coral Bay.
A whale shark can grow up to 15m long and as they are filter feeders they are harmless to humans. They cruise the world's oceans looking for large concentrations to feed on. Ningaloo Reef is one of the few places in the world they appear regularly in large numbers.

This is an opportunity in a life time and people travel all over the world to the Ningaloo Reef during this time to see and swim with them. You will need to be a confident swimmer.


It is rare to see a whale shark swimming alone. Smaller fish like to swim with whale sharks - sometimes even a whole school of fish will be swimming around them. Pilot fish swim around their head. A popular theory for this is for protection. With the size of the whale shark, the enemy of the pilot fish are too scared to come close therefore leaving the pilot fish alone. Remoras also swim with them. The remoras use its sucker to attach itself to the whale shark and helps the whale shark by eating parasites off its skin.

Whale sharks are considered to be good-luck fish.

The Japanese fishermen are careful not to catch a whale shark. They call them "ebisuzame" which is a good luck symbol.

In Vietnam they are called "Ca Ong", which means "Sir Fish". Sir Fish is a God the Vietnamese fishermen pray to for protection and good catches of fish.


The first of the whale shark body parts is its teeth. They have thousands of tiny teeth inside its mouth - sometimes up to 4,000. These teeth are about the size of the tip of a match-stick. For the figures people that is about 0.3cm or an 1/8 of an inch.

The teeth are arranged in the mouth in 300 rows. Obviously these teeth are not big enough to be used to eat but they are big enough to help them catch and eat. In fact it is a bit of a mystery why they even have teeth. The teeth are similar to what you will find on a file or rasp.

With all of these teeth another important body part is its mouth. It has a huge mouth which can be up to 2 metres wide. The mouth is at the very front of its head (not on the underside of the head like in most sharks). The head needs to be big to accommodate this huge mouth. It has a wide, flat head, a rounded snout and small eyes. Other body parts include 5 very large gill slits, 2 dorsal fins (on its back) and 2 pectoral fins (on its sides). The first dorsal fin is much larger than the second dorsal fin, and set rearward on the body. Its tail has a top fin much larger than the lower fin. These are called lobed caudal fins and are semi-lunate in adults.

Whale sharks catch their food (plankton and small fish and squid), by swimming with their mouth open. As they swim, water and small animals go into their mouth. The water leaves through its gill slits, trapping food in the gill rakers.

Whale sharks have five gill slits on each side of their head. Gill rakers strain the good stuff out of all this water they take into their mouth and use the good parts for food.

Whale sharks breathe with gills. Gills are used to get oxygen from the water and this helps them breathe.


It was widely believed the whale shark reproduction process and birth was like other fish (oviparous - egg cases expelled from the female's body and hatched on the sea floor). This would involve a female whale shark laying her eggs and the male fertilising them. We now know that a female keeps her eggs inside her body until the babies are ready to be born (viviparous - egg cases hatching in the mother's uteri, with the female giving birth to live young).

A whale shark may have hundreds of thousands of eggs inside her but not every egg will become an embryo. Some of these eggs are actually food for the other eggs that do develop into embryos. An embryo eats the other eggs for energy and therefore to grow.

In 1995 a team of scientists found an 11 metre female whale shark in Taiwan that had been killed by a fisherman. There were about 300 embryos inside her ranging in length from 42 to 63cm. Amazingly, 15 of the embryos were still alive and were ready to be born - an extremely rare form of birth. The egg capsules were amber in colour, with a smooth texture and had a respiratory opening on each side. There were an equal number of male and female babies.

The whale sharks that are born are called pups - the pups are over 60cm (2 feet) long.

Sexual maturity does not occur until they reach about 9metres long. This means a whale shark reproduction maturity age of about 30 years old. Whale sharks live for about 60-100 years.


They are actually fish and not whales. Not only that but they are the biggest fish in the world and once fully grown they can be as long as 15 metres in length and weigh 20 tonnes.

They are the biggest fish in the world but they are also a very gentle fish. They eat only plankton and other small fish and are not interested in eating other things. That is why people from all over the world travel to Ningaloo Reef at Coral Bay during the spawning of the coral to swim with them. The spawning of the coral happens between March and June. This attracts the whale shark for food.

The correct species name of a whale shark is Rhincodon typus with "Rhincodon" meaning "rasp teeth" - which is what the whale sharks 4,000 tiny teeth look like (a rasp).

Whale shark are a pelagic species. This means they swim in the open ocean but usually found in the tropical parts of the oceans.

They are reddish brown in colour with a pattern of lines that crisscross each other on their skin. Inside these grids are yellow dots.

Additional interesting facts about whale shark is they pay no attention to boats. At their size why would they? So boat owners and captains need to be careful where whale sharks are and it is up to the boat to avoid "accidents".

Activity - Holiday Ideas Including the Great Barrier Reef

What kind of break are you planning for this year? Here are some activity holiday ideas to get your holiday juices flowing...

Let's kick off the activity holiday ideas list with water sports. How about snorkelling or sailing on the Great Barrier Reef, diving the Great Blue Hole in Belize, or diving with sharks in the Grand Bahamas? What about surfing Pipeline, Hawaii or doing a spot of windsurfing or kite surfing in Egypt. The Red Sea is recommended to all vacationers by more than one of our travel experts because you can dive, snorkel, windsurf or kite surf - so it's a multi- activity holiday idea!
Winter sports is the other big one when it comes to activity holiday ideas. Go skiing in Whistler, Queenstown, New Zealand or in Zermatt, or go snowboarding at Kicking Horse, Folgaria and Jurassik Snowboarding Park or in Ste Foy - how's that for a few ideas doe starters? Les Arcs, Meribel and Hirafu shouldn't be omitted from the list of winter sports activities either.

The activities involving adventure travel are also popular: lots of people fancy themselves spending their two week break from work rafting the Grand Canyon, paddling the Zambezi, camping with Saharan Nomads or paragliding around Oludeniz, Turkey. One of the most adventurous ideas for those holidaying is still Everest. Even if you're not up to attempting the summit, this could take you up to base camp.

If those ideas are too adventurous there are some soft adventure activity holiday ideas to try on for size. Fancy trekking New Zealand's Southern Alps via the Milford Track, or Chile's Torres del Paine, going on a cruise up the Nile or down the Ganges, driving the Alaskan Highway or exploring the Zambezi? These are all challenging activities that don't require years of fitness preparation.
These days another kind of activity is popular - volunteering or learning activity holiday ideas. Attend Genghis Khan Warrior Training in Mongolia, volunteer to help care for the Orang utans at Sepilok, Malaysia, work with AIDS orphans in South Africa, study wildlife photography in Tanzania, or just learn to hula in Hawaii - all of these activities can be expanded into a whole idea for your vacation. And once you start talking animals some people know they're looking for a wildlife based activity - something where they'll get to meet some of the world's furrier, scalier, or toothy inhabitants. What about taking on a flying safari along the Skeleton Coast of Namibia, or following in the hoof-steps of the Serengeti Wildebeest Migration? Walking with leopards and floating with hippos in South Lauangwa or birdwatching in the Okavango River Delta?

For the Whitest Sands and the Bluest Ocean Waters Head For Esperance in Western Australia

Visitors to Australia that are seeking the whitest sand, the bluest waters and the friendliest locals take heed: Esperance, Western Australia is where you need to be headed! Located on the southern coast of Western Australia, along the Great Southern Ocean and approximately a nine-hour-drive from the territorial capital of Perth, Esperance is the dream destination that visitors to this area of Australia simply can't afford to miss out on.

The main attraction of Esperance is its sheer, spell-binding natural beauty. In a town with less than 10,000 inhabitants it is rather difficult to expect much in the way of cosmopolitan pampering, so don't come down to Esperance in search of such vanities. The perfect example of the surrounding natural beauty is to be found at Cape Le Grand National Park, which lies just to the east of town and offers pristine beaches and untouched natural landscapes. Another nearby natural wonder to be enjoyed while in Esperance would be Pink Lake, one of many salt lakes in the area that is unique due to the red algae that inhabit its waters.

Esperance's climate is largely Mediterranean in nature, with warm and relatively dry summer months followed by chilly and damp winter months. During the summer months, a particularly intimidating natural phenomenon creates the Cyclops wave each year which attracts diehard surfers from around the planet, making Esperance buzz with action and new faces. The particularly thick and heavy wave is considered to provide one of the most thrilling (and dangerous, to be clear) surf rides on the planet.

An interesting little titbit about Esperance is the fact that in 1979 it was showered with debris from the recently-disintegrated Skylab, NASA's first space station. No major injuries or damages were incurred, though the Shire of Esperance did fine the US $400 for littering-a sum which was paid up in full only in 2009 by a US radio station, supposedly on NASA's behalf.

As far as Esperance accommodation options are concerned, visitors will find that no matter what their needs are-anything from executive suites to caravan parks and economy hostels-they will find a suitable place to stay. A few well-known possibilities include the Esperance Island View Apartments, the Hospitality Inn Esperance, and the Jetty Resort and Apartments.

Visit Pink Lake near Esperance

Pink Lake just out of Esperance is pink, and sometimes even purple, depending on weather conditions. In fact depending what time of the day you visit the Lake, and the current water and salinity levels, the pink has been known to change from brilliant blues to a fairy-tale pink.

The colour of the lake is attributed to high concentrations of salt tolerant algae, Dunalella Sailina. This was first definitely established in 1980 after almost 200 years of conjecture. Confirmation came when Esperance Museum Curator prompted a W.A. University biologist to analyse lake water samples. These samples and others sent earlier confirmed Dunalella Sailina in the lake as well as Coccomonas Algae. The alga has been shown responsible for similar lake colourings in the U.S.A. The salt from Pink Lake is 99.9% pure and is harvested for WA Salt Supply and sent to Fremantle for processing. Salt licks for stock, with appropriate additives, are made in Esperance. There are at present about 13 hectares divided into 8 ponds, into which water is pumped during the dry month; as it evaporates it leaves behind the salt crystals. At present 14,000 tonnes a year are harvested.

We also drive on the Great Ocean Drive which is a circular loop of 38km. Some of the highlights we visit include the Rotary Lookout; Twighlight Beach; Observatory Point and the Wind Farms at Salmon Beach. Esperance is the second windiest place in Western Australia (Geraldton being the windiest) and the wind farms help to offset local fuel prices.

Adventure Activities in the Great Barrier Reef That You Will Remember Forever

Resorts and island destinations at the Great Barrier Reef never run out of things that guests can do. From picnics at the beach to the more physically demanding adventure activities a day at the biggest coral reef system will never be boring.

Adventure activities at the Great Barrier Reef are not only limited to underwater adventures which are fun things that you can do on water and on land. For instance did you know that depending on the island you're exploring you can on quad bike tours?

How do you go about touring car less Hamilton Island? Simple, just use the golf buggy which is an easy to drive 2 or 4-seater vehicle that you can take on a self guided tour or a full pledged golf buggy cruise.

Still at Hamilton Island if you want a taste of something else, you can try driving the quad bike in an off-road trip. Guides can take you up trails to a lookout the buggy can't reach where you have a sweeping view of the Great Barrier Reef as far as the naked eye can see.

At Brampton Island, you can go on jet ski and kayak tours. If that's too easy for you then try knee boarding, water skiing, and wake boarding.

At Great Keppel Island there are 17 white sand beaches to explore through their walking tracks that have varying degrees of difficulty. They also have the usual water adventure activities like jet and water skiing, and snorkeling but if you want a lot more adrenaline rush try the tandem sky diving or the para sailing.

If you would like a sweeping glance of the Great Barrier Reef from the sky, you can also book yourself to a helicopter tour of Green Island. Depending on the tour, they will land on the island so you swim its waters then they will continue on and take you to see coral cays and other interesting reef formations.

Not only are the island resorts a source of adventure activities at the reef even the tour companies have their own offering of activities guaranteed to leave you wanting more.
Take for example the Coral Sea Charter Company which takes your fishing interest to a higher level. If you sign up in one of their tours you will be able to go reef fishing, fly fishing, and game fishing at the reef.

Still another tour company is the Southern Cross Sailing Adventures. Established since 1985, this company has been offering sailing two to three night's adventure tours on famous places in the reef such as Hook Island, Hayman Island, and Whitehaven.

What's good with this company is they let their guests in on the basics of sailing aside from the usual snorkeling and swimming. Plus this will surely be an adventure you'll never forget as you will be on board a yacht that was formerly used in sailing races.

The most wonderful thing about the activities at the Great Barrier Reef is you don't have to go out and search for them. You can conveniently ask your hotel concierge and they are more than happy to help you with booking any of these or you can surf the Internet as tour operators almost always have their own online booking.

Dive the Great Barrier Reef and Bask on Its Tropical Islands

Great Barrier Reef diving trips are world renowned and with this recognition are extremely popular, attracting a whole abundance of divers, from the inexperienced to professionals, who want to witness the beauty of the reef for themselves. The pristine waters create the perfect diving conditions and provide optimum visibility for both divers and snorkeller's on the reef. Great Barrier Reef diving trips and Great barrier reef snorkeling excursions are truly unforgettable experiences.

The vivid underwater landscapes of the Great Barrier Reef are truly awe-inspiring. The large coral fans, soft coral gardens and hard corralled walls will take your breath away with their bright colours and marine inhabitants. Green turtles, Stingrays, dolphins, giant clams, vibrant starfish and anemone clown fish, of Finding Nemo fame, all call the reef home. The abundance of tropical marine life is truly staggering and diving in this underwater world is a somewhat surreal but truly magical experience.

Diving trips down under can cater to both beginners and those who are already experienced divers and range from day catamaran trips to live aboard cruises. Live aboard cruises combine diving in the famous natural landmark with stop offs at some of the Great Barrier Reefs tropical islands, the most famous being the collection of Whitsunday Islands and Green Island. Day trips also schedule time to stop off at these paradisal locations. Whitehaven beach found in the Whitsunday's has been hailed as the world's most beautiful beach and its soft white sands are so refined they feel more like icing sugar than they do sand.

There are perfect view points which overlook Whitehaven Beach and from them you can see the spectacular views out over the ocean. The turquoise waters merging with the white sandy shores create truly spectacular patterns which never fail to strike visitors with their beauty. Green Island is famously unique because it is the only island on the Reef with an inland rainforest. Exploring the rainforest, lying on the pure white beach or snorkeling in the sea is a perfect way to spend the afternoon on this secluded island in Great Barrier Reef.

Hinterland Gold Coast

In the Hinterland Gold Coast you can take advantage of many places to lodge. You can stay at a camp ground. You can stay at a guesthouse. And there are many lodges to stay at. This is a lovely place to visit and simply relax. You will find many great cafes and delicious restaurants to enjoy a snack or fine meal. You can spend your day visiting many unique art galleries and craft shops.

Take advantage of the contrasting atmosphere of rural plantations and vineyards and national parks. You will find over 100,000 hectares of vineyards of wonderful wine production and reserves. If you would like to see some fine livestock at some nice farmland this is where to do this. You can also spend your day seeing a wonderful network of beautiful bush trails.

You can travel along some serene country road which is only about twenty minutes from the coast area. You can discover some valleys and canyons that are awe inspiring with their natural wonder and abundant beauty. This is a diverse home of biological wildlife and tropical plants that makes for Australia's most dense region of forest. This region provides incredible views of natural beauty from Lamington to the Springbrook national park.

For trail lovers this is a true paradise. The trails are well maintained and you can read up on all the sites along the way with well placed information stops. There are plenty of camp grounds for those who like to rough it as they say. And for those who like a little more plush accommodations you can choose a luxurious lodge or guesthouse.

Your taste buds will love the great cuisine along this trail of natural beauty. You will appreciate the unique hand work of the many locals you will find in the craft galleries. If you choose you can rent a car and drive along the scenic drives and tour the lovely rain forest and view remarkable gorges and vast valleys and see extinct volcanoes. You can also, if driving yourself around is not for you, enlist in a group tour and have a professional tour guide at your service in the Hinterland Gold Coast.

This is one of Gold Coast's best kept secrets believe it or not. The lush rain forest, the quiet and quaint cafes, the superb restaurants, the bush trails, the fabulous wineries, are all yours to discover. The Hinterland Gold Coast is home to many national parks, tropical rain forest and quaint little towns, is located in from the Gold Coast strip coast area.

It is the perfect place to get a relaxing vacation from the city hustle and bustle. You will find a quiet, slow, relaxing pace here in this endearing atmosphere. This area has something for everyone. If you are into adventure you can go hang gliding, or horseback riding, or go on a safari.
If you want a little more quiet time you can try bird watching, or take a tour of the arts and craft stores, or simply enjoy a bit of ale and lunch at one of the many quaint country pubs. If you are a wine fancier you can sample some of the grape from one of the many local vineyards.

Esperance - A Secret No More

Its called the 'Secret South'- the length of Western Australian coastline next to the Southern Ocean that until recently has been largely ignored by the tourist masses. But as travellers get more intrepid and even the most far flung places become more accessible this is one secret that is out the bag. In the summer months the full hotels, motels and caravan parks in Esperance, the largest town on the coast, are testament to the growing popularity of the region. And theres a lot to see there- its a place you go to appreciate nature, to indulge in the wide open spaces and the fresh air of unsullied landscapes. For campervan holiday makers, its an unexplored treasure.

Esperance sits quietly on the shores of Esperance Bay, surrounded on either side by miles of isolated beaches. If its a bit of privacy youre after then you have come to the right place- just hop in your motorhome, drive for a while and find a quiet spot on the beach! You might have to share it with some of the kangaroos that enjoy baking in the sun on the white sands, but they wont disturb you. The beaches here are claimed to be the whitest in Australia, and the contrast of the sand dunes with the bright blue water is quite stunning. There is a drive called the Great Ocean Drive which takes you on a 38 kilometre loop past the best beaches in the region, including West Beach, Chapmans Point and Twilight Beach. If youre a surfer then you really will be in heaven, as some of Australias best waves are along this stretch. Remember though, that this is the Southern Ocean... things can get a little chilly in there!

On this drive you will also be taken past the Pink Lake, which is quite a talking point of the region. It is actually a pink lake, although depending on the weather conditions it can be purple too! The colour is attributed to the high concentrations of salt tolerant algae in the water. The salt here is actually 99.9 per cent pure, and is harvested and transported around the country. Its a peaceful and unique spot to spend some time, and there are camping grounds and other forms of accommodation around if you wish to stay a little longer.

Off the coast of Esperance lies the Recherche Archipelago, the largest group of islands in Southern Australia consisting of 105 islands spread over 270 kilometres. While most of these islands are inaccessible to humans, Woody Island is accessed from Esperance and is a popular wilderness retreat. Its a beautiful spot, with that sun soaked atmosphere typical of tiny island holidays. There are day charters out to the island, or if you want to stay longer then a safari hut set amongst the native plants is your choice of accommodation, complete with views over Shearwater Bay!

There are three National Parks close to Esperance - Cape le Grand, Stokes and cape Arid. While all three are worth a look, Cape le Grand comes as the most recommended. There are two campsites in the park, the best one sits on the shores of Lucky Bay and has solar powered showers! Lucky Bay has the distinction of being voted the 'whitest beach in Australia', so a stay in this campsite is definitely a good idea. If you don't have a four wheel drive campervan then stick to the Western side of the park, which has fully sealed roads. If you do have 4WD, then take the adventurous route and drive up to the cape along the beach. If the season is right you may just see pods of whales surfacing off the coast with their new born young. The Park is only 50 kilometres east of Esperance, so it is very easy to access.

While the town itself is a pleasant place to stay and has all the accommodation options you may want, it is not awe inspiringly beautiful, and is more functional than aesthetically pleasing. It has that country town feel, and the people are extremely friendly, so your stay is going to be very pleasant. What is awe inspiring is the surroundings. The beaches alone are a good reason to visit here, and with other attractions like the Recherche Archipelago and the nearby National Parks to visit, your holiday here wont be a disappointment. You can choose to fly in- its a one and a half hour flight from Perth- or make the drive from another Western Australian Centre. Its 720 kilometres to Perth, and 476 kilometres to Albany. These are long distances, and theres a lot to see in them, so why not make a tour of it and spend some time exploring the coast along the way. Think of Esperance as the cherry on top of the cake... the mouth watering finale to your foray into Western Australia's 'Secret South'!

The Best of the Great Barrier Reef Islands

Visitor come to Australia, from all over the world, and most of them plan to visit the Great Barrier Reef, but unless they are divers, their visit is usually a day trip, on one of the many boats that take visitors to the Great Barrier Reef, which gives them only a few hours on the reef. It is much better to spend a few days, at one of the Great Barrier Reef Islands, enjoying the diversity of what they have to offer. Let me introduce you, to what I consider the best of the islands of the Great barrier Reef.

Hamilton is the largest of Queensland's 74 Whitsunday Islands and is located on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef. It's azure waters, awe inspiring coral reefs, fascinating flora and fauna and sandy beaches, makes it an experience you'll long remember. The island is used almost excluisively for tourism and has the only airport in the Whitsunday Islands. The beautiful weather, many land and sea activities, too many to mention here, and fine food and wines are just a few of the reasons so many visitors, both from Australia and other countries, spend their vacations here.

Hayman Island is the most northern Island of the Whitsunday Islands, and is renown for its elegance, service and great location. Besides providing easy access to the Great Barrier Reef, it has lush tropical gardens, a variety of bird species and Australian Flora and Fauna. Guests can enjoy the many pools including the famous Hayman pool that is 7 times an Olympic pool.

Green Island is north of both of the above Islands it is a 600 old coral cay and national park, located right on the Great Barrier Reef. Visitors can explore its emeral rainforest, visit the coral reefs in the semi submarine, ride the Big Cat Reef Cruiser, walk on the smooth clean sand of the sea floor with Seawalker, or just relax with your favourite book.

Dunk Island is a tropical rainforest island, just 4 kilometers off the north Queensland's coast. It is part of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and the largest island in the Family Islands National Park. Because of a lack of predators and the ample supply of food from the reef waters it is an ideal nesting site. For visitors there are luxury accommodations, fine dining and endless things to do.

Lizard Island, is one of the northernmost islands right on the Great barrier Reef. The private resort is in a National Park with 24 white sandy beaches and a lagoon. It is rated as one of the top ten island resorts with only 4o luxury suites, the perfect get-a-way from it all vacation.

Brampton Island located at the southern entrance to the Whitsunday Passage is surrounded by reefs, twelve beautiful beaches, coral gardens and spectacular views from the walking and jogging tracks. It has less rooms than many of the other island resorts and no day trippers making it the ideal spot for uninterrupt peace and solitude.

Fraser Island lies at the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef, it is the world's largest Sand Island and the only place where tall rainforests are found growing on sand dunes. The white sandy beaches are flanked by coloured sand cliffs and there are over 100 freshwater lakes. 4WD Safaris are the best way to explore the islands spectacular beaches.

Magnetic Island is the only island, in the northern part of the Great Barrier Reef with a combination of untouched National Park and Resident population. There is also a variety of holiday resorts offering the guests much to choose from, such as secluded beaches which can be reached only on foot or by boat, rocky headlands, scenic walking tracks and native wildlife. It is only 20 minutes by fast "CAT" from Townsville and boasts 320 days of sunshine per year.

Depending on your personal life style, these islands offer a variety of of accommodations, choice of activities that vary between islands, proximity to the Great Barrier Reef, and different topography and scenic views. Staying at one or more for a few days will give you the opportunity to enjoy a vacation, not easily found elsewhere in the world, and one you will not soon forget.

Relish a Great Barrier Reef Holiday in Australia

The Great Barrier Reef, located in the Cairns, acts as a home to colorful and lively marine life. It is one of the most famous boarding points and natural wonders of world. The world largest coral reef collection with around 1500 fish species, 400 kinds of corals and 400 mollusk types are found at this place. It can be seen from outer space and is the world biggest single structure made by living organisms. This reef structure is composed of and built by billions of tiny organisms, known as coral polyps. CNN has labelled it one of the 7 natural wonders of the world. The Queensland National Trust has named it a state icon of Queensland.

The place also serves as the habitat for species like green turtle and sea cow that are on the verge of extinction. It is listed in the world heritage site and has become a premier vacation spot in Australia. This reef that runs parallel to Queensland coast has been declared as the Marine Park by the government of Australia. One can find the most exciting varieties of rare mammals and species in the Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef one of the major Australia attractions, offers a treat to the underwater explorers, scuba divers and lovers of romantic and exotic tropical islands. You can witness succession of magnificent reefs that extend from the south of tropic of Capricorn to the Torres Strait situated in the north. It is a site of remarkable variety and beauty on the north-east coast of Australia.

The spectacular reefs make the Australia vacations fun filled and memorable. The 2000 kilometers long reef provides the people on Great Barrier Reef holiday with a lot of access points. You can take a cruise to visit the reef while on the Australia vacation.

Scuba diving is one of the most enormous attractions of the place. You can have an experience of a lifetime with the spectacular coral formations, vivid marine life, amazing visibility and comfortable temperature of water all year round. Whether you are an expert or a beginner diver, Australia vacations is incomplete without a visit to the Reef.

There are lots of diving shops and schools nearby that can provide you with secure diving tips. You can relish the Great Barrier Reef holiday with the proper training and equipments needed for diving.

A close rendezvous with lovely marine life can make your Australia holiday simply mesmerizing. Snorkeling and scuba diving let you have an effortless transportation to the lovely and spell binding marine world. You can closely witness the extraordinary realm with the colorful and beautiful life in crystal clear waters.

Paying a visit to this world heritage site can be a memorable add-on to your Australia vacation. The greatest concentration of marine life at this place lets the visitors have the greatest times of their lives. It is one of Australia most famous and popular attractions in Australia, and its reputation for stunning coral reefs and plethora of sea creatures is wholly deserved. Next time you plan Australia vacations, do not forget to visit the Great Barrier Reef.

Experiencing the Marine Life of the Great Barrier Reef

The best time to conquer the underwater peaks is from August to January. In This period is the best underwater visibility. From June to August in Australia is the winter when the water is coldest and temperature is around 22 ° C (72 ° F). For Australians water is cold.

One of the most notable attractions is the Great Barrier Reef, which is part of the World Heritage List and is the largest marine park in the world. It is rich with marvelous corals and has a wondrous underwater world of plants. It is home for 1,500 types of fish, 400 species of coral, 4000 types of snails, and countless sponges, starfish, sea urchin and other sea life inhabitants. This reef is a reason of many visitors who wants to experience a unique diving or snorkeling. It stretches over 2000 km (1240 miles) of length starting from Lady Elliot Island off Bundaberg up to Papua New Guinea. This is every diver's dream and calling.

Although the reef is home not only to a spectacular fish that live in the wonderful beautiful coral, but reef is also home to many other creatures as the loggerheads turtles, sharks, skates and rays and sea snakes. For most people, Great Barrier Reef is associated with the opportunity to enjoy the underwater world. It's a great place where you can snorkel, dive, fish or take this opportunity to fly over it, watching the bird's eye view.

Before you go to dive, you should take time to study about the reef. Courses on the reef will provide a broad knowledge of what plants, creatures are underwater and where the best to go diving. There is a special multimedia presentation called Reef Teach, where a whole team that consists of experienced marine biologists, nature and coral researchers, gives you all that is necessary information on how coral grows in the formation of reefs, what creatures live in and what is their impact, as well shows how to take underwater photos.

One way of looking at the reef are snorkeling. This is one of the best ways how look at gorgeous views of the pink sponges, red sea stars, purplesea urchins and fish of different colors from electric blue to neon yellow. Snorkeling allows to see closer rich marine life, because coral keeps it rich color gamma only when there is a lot of light, so that is the reason why corals grow close to waters surface.

The Great Barrier Reef - The Great Diving Experience

General Information

The Great Barrier Reef is in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. It's the largest coral reef in the world and is a world heritage site and is listed as one of the seven wonders of the world. It's so big that it can be seen from space! The Great Barrier Reef is composed of more than 2,800 individual reefs, stretches 1,600 miles, and covers about 133,000 square miles.

Deciding where to scuba dive in this vast area can be one of the first challenges you face if you decide to go diving there. There are just so many good destinations with beautiful reefs and abundant marine life that it can be hard to choose. There are over 400 species of coral, 4,000 species of mollusks, and over 1,400 species of fish. It's so big that scientists discover new species on a regular basis.

Dive Destinations

Cairns and Port Douglas - This is the part of the reef that is closest to the coast and therefore the reefs here are extremely popular as one-day dive destinations. The trip to the reef takes a couple of hours depending of course on which part of the reef you're heading for. There's a variety of trips to choose from ranging from snorkeling to diving to taking a charter live-aboard boat for a 1 to 4 day trip. The reefs are home to beautiful reef fish and while you're snorkeling or diving you're liable to see all kinds of life from whales to turtles to dolphins.

Northern Ribbon Reefs - As the name suggests this is a chain of long narrow reefs that lie 40 to 60 miles north of the Cairns and Port Douglas reefs. Because of their distance from the mainland these reefs are more isolated from the effects of mainland development and agriculture and thus offer some extraordinary diving with much better visibility than you'll find at Cairns and Port Douglas. Also because of the distance, trips to the Ribbon Reefs are in the 2 to 5 day range. The best known destination here is Cod Hole, which is named for the Potato Cod which gets really big! I'm talking like 350 pounds big!

Coral Sea Reefs - If you want spectacular diving and are willing to go further out you can head for the Coral Sea. This area of reefs are 60 to 100 miles to the northeast of Cairns and because of their remoteness the visibility underwater is amazing. You're going to see gorgeous coral and lots of large sea creatures including reef sharks, silver tips, tuna, mackerel, and cod. If you're adventurous there are dive operators that have shark-feeding tours so you can see them close up.